Hayley Leopold, Print Presentation Director / The Bucknellian
With a holiday full of love, affection, gifts and consumerism, people celebrate Valentine’s Day in various different ways. Bucknell students may be enjoying the day with self love or partaking in different celebrations with family, partners or friends. Regardless of how they feel about the holiday or choose to spend it, students had the opportunity to attend various themed events Bucknell organizations hosted to each celebrate in their own way.
V-Day Night
Friday Feb. 9 on the bottom floor of the ELC V-Day Night offered multiple Valentine’s Day themed activities for students. They featured a truffle bar with Lindt chocolates and hot chocolate made by Bucknell Dining. CORE also brought back the student favorite Stuff A Plush, with extra large bears for students to stuff, and hearts to insert for an even more personal touch. There was also a prize wheel and a caricature artist drawing portraits of students to take home.
Beyond Unison Singing Valentines
A yearly tradition, Beyond Unison, one of the all-gender acapella groups on campus, performed singing valentines for Bucknell students.
Students purchase a singing valentine for ten dollars to have it delivered and performed in person on Wednesday Feb. 14. The group had six song options that could be selected with purchase for performance. Recipient students were found all over campus and, even if in class, to have their song performed for them. There was also a virtual option for 6 dollars, and recipients got an email from Beyond Unison with their video. To purchase a singing valentine next year, students can see updates and announcements on the groups instagram page @beyondunison.
Rom-Com and Ramen
The annual Rom-Com & Ramen made its return to the MacDonald Commons on Wednesday Feb. 14. Hosted by the CAP Center, the event provided free ramen and, in theme with the holiday, a romantic comedy movie students could watch. With more than six different types and flavors of ramen, students could indulge and be treated regardless of their feelings towards Valentine’s Day.
7th Street Art Activities
The 7th Street Studio and Makerspace, well known for their art related activities and events open to all students, hosts many holiday related and seasonal themed events throughout the year. Leading up to and on Valentine’s Day, students had opportunities to attend some of their themed craft sessions.
On Friday Feb. 9 from 5-9pm students stopped in for wood decorating. The studio provided various wooden signs and decorative items to paint and personalize messages like “XOXO” and “Love.”.
7th Studio and Makerspace also hosted a cookie decorating event. On Saturday Feb. 11 from 5-9pm, students stopped in the studio to decorate their own cookies with the MakerSpace providing them Heart shaped cookies. This event combined both the artistic aspect of the Makerspace and the sweet treats of the Valentine season.
Earlier this week on Wednesday, they hosted an hour long Felt Flowers event. From 5-6pm students created their own felt flower bouquet to celebrate the holiday and season. For future 7th Street Studio and Makerspace events, students can sign up to reserve their spot on bucknell.edu/getinspired.
Greek Life Candy Sales
Tabling in the ELC, Greek organizations Chi Omega and Kappa Kappa Gamma sold Valentine’s Day treats to raise money for their philanthropic partners and organizations. On Monday Feb. 12, Chi Omega had Cupid’s Cards and Treats where they sold candy bars, carnations and pretzels. All funds raised from the event were to support their philanthropy Make-A-Wish Foundation.
Also all day in the ELC on Feb. 8, 9, 12 and 13, Kappa Kappa Gamma sold Kappa Candy Grams. This annual event hosted by KKG sold three dollar candy kiss treats and notes that are sent to any student, faculty or staff. KKG donated all the money they raised from the event to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Over the four days, the sorority event raised over two-thousand dollars.
What is Love?
On Thursday, Feb. 8, the Philosophy Department hosted a Valentine’s themed Food for Thought lunch. Food for Thought, a continued lunch series that the department hosts throughout the semester, gives students and faculty a time and place to engage in different themed and focused discussions.
Following the Valentine’s theme, last week’s discussion centered around love. Led by Philosophy majors and furthered with participation from faculty and students, the conversation covered topics of different types of love, the impacts of Valentine’s day and more. The department also provided food including Valentine’s themed desserts and an activity for students to make philosophy themed valentines. This event was open to all Bucknell students with no background in philosophy required. The informal lunch events operate as a low pressure environment to explore ideas philosophically. For future Philosophy and Food for Thought events, students can stay up to date on the Bucknell Message Center or philosophy instagram @bucknell_philosophy.