Alpha Chi Omega
Spring break was fun-filled, yet also relaxing, for the sisters of Alpha Chi. Many traveled together to Punta Cana, Cancun, or Bahamas, while others celebrated their days off on action-packed vacations with their families or binge-watching Netflix without any guilt. The sisters are glad to be back and are super excited for our Spring Philanthropy event Alpha Male, on Tuesday, March 17th. Alpha Male is a male beauty pageant between all the fraternities on campus. The money we raise will support Domestic Violence Awareness and fund a local agency, Transitions, which provides aid to victims of domestic violence. Tickets are $7 and the event is being held in the Weis Center from 7 to 9 pm. Another event that has the sisters excited is our formal recruitment event, Keepin’ It Cool With Alpha Chi on April 20th! PNM’s- come on by and slurp down some Rita’s Ices with AXO; we cannot wait to spend time with you!
Alpha Delta Pi
ADPi/TKE volleyball, which was held on February 28th was a success! Read more about how the afternoon went here. Over spring break our sisters enjoyed their time on warm beaches, snowy ski mountains, on team trips, or just at home catching up on some much needed sleep. Although we all loved some time away, we are all so excited to be back on campus with our sisters!
Alpha Xi Delta
Many of the Alpha Xi Delta sisters participated in an amazing and relaxing vacation to the Bahamas for Spring Break. In the coming weeks we will be hosting our recruitment event, How Sweet It Is on April 9th in the Terrace Room from 6-8pm, which will be a great opportunity for PNM’s to meet our sisters! In addition, we will be hosting our philanthropy event, the Amaxing Race, on April 19th. It will be an amazing opportunity to raise money for our philanthropy, Autism Speaks. Look out for more information in the coming weeks. Some of our sisters participated in a Spring Break Dominican Republic Service Trip with BACES in order to help people in poorer communities. Their tasks included building homes, handing out food and setting up medical outreach which included assisting in distributing medications and teaching the basics of hygiene and sex education. Three of our sisters spent their break pursuing this great opportunity and we are proud to have such dedicated and caring sisters within the Alpha Xi Delta family!
Chi Omega
On March 3rd, the sisters of Chi Omega held their first “Campus Feud.” Based on the popular television show “Family Feud,” teams of friends competed for the $200 cash prize and glory of knowing frivolous facts. Despite the lack of Steve Harvey’s mustache, the night was a success and the Baked by Melissa Cupcakes didn’t stand a chance. A report of total amount raised will be announced soon! The women of Chi Omega are also happy to report their safe and fun travels over spring break. From the exploring the sunny beaches of Punta Cana to skiing the mountains of Utah to building homes for Habitat for Humanity in North Carolina, the sisters had fulfilling, relaxing weeks.
Delta Gamma
Many of the sophomore and senior sisters of Delta Gamma enjoyed each others’ company in Punta Cana over spring break! Whether ladies were soaking up the sun on the beach or catching some z’s at home, our entire sorority returned to campus refreshed and ready to dive into a very busy week. Delta Gamma Founder’s Day was celebrated individually by all the sisters on Sunday, March 15th! And in honor of this important day, the Epsilon Beta chapter will collectively be gathering for brunch on Saturday the 21st! We’re excited to eat yummy food and bond to celebrate our founders, Anna, Eva, and Mary! The next day, Sunday the 22nd, we’re so excited to be holding our Desserts with DG event from 2-4 pm! This is meant to be an opportunity for PNMs to come by and talk with all of the DG sisters, and we couldn’t be more excited. We hope to see lots of women there! Last but certainly not least, everyone should keep an eye out for information concerning our beloved upcoming spring philanthropy event… ANCHOR SPLASH! This will be happening on Thursday, March 26th in Kinney Natatorium!
Kappa Alpha Theta
The sisters of Kappa Alpha Theta are back from a relaxing and fun-filled Spring Break and busier than ever on campus! This Sunday, March 22, we will be co-sponsoring Special Olympics with Chi Phi in the Kinney Natatorium from 8 AM to 12 PM. Everyone is welcome to come out and support this great cause with members of the Greek community. We are very excited to be having our K-A-Tea Party on March 23 from 6-8 PM in Walls Lounge! It will be a great opportunity for PNMs to come out and meet the sisters of Theta, drink tea and eat yummy treats! We can’t wait to meet and get to know all of you!
Panhellenic Council Updates:
We hope everyone who attended Meet the Suites enjoyed it and intend on attending Open Suites on April 26th! Keep attending Sorority 101 sessions if you are considering going through recruitment next semester. We are also super excited for Greek Week, the week of events begins Tuesday, April 7th with the opening ceremonies and will conclude on April 11th with the closing ceremonies. Events include Penny Wars (everyday in the LC mall, open to all), Greek Sing (Weis Center, 6:30 pm, 4/7, open to all), Emblem Hunt (everyday), a Chariot Race (Fraternity Row, 5 pm, 4/8), Greek Trivia Bowl (Olin Lecture Hall, 5 pm, 4/9), and Spring Thaw Out (4/10, TBD). It is going to be an awesome week, don’t miss out!”