Focused on exposing students to real-world struggles, MGMT 101 is a course modeled after a realistic scenario in which students run their own companies. Students select a service partner to support and design a product to sell in hopes of generating a profit to fund service projects. As a popular class on campus, MGMT 101 has elicited certain expectations.
“My expectation for the class, from what I had heard, was one of chaos and crowdedness that would somehow teach me to learn about management–especially since I was in a classroom with over 100 other students, all vying for different goals and positions,” Company D CEO Jacob Hannah ’17 said.
MGMT 101 is notorious for its late nights and sleepless hours. It’s also more fondly recognized as an opportunity for a network of long-lasting relationships extending beyond the classroom. Students can expect to become emotionally invested in the impact of their companies and to experience real challenges, genuine cheers, and heartaches.
“The actuality of my experience has taken that mindset of chaos and found theories, practices, and relationships to help make sense, structure, and order out of it all. Although it is near impossible to get 25+ people in a company to agree on something, the course has been surprisingly fluid and focused as we all work together for a common goal,” Hannah said.
Company A:
Company A’s service project, Mostly Mutts, is a no-kill dog shelter in Sunbury, Pa. that is a sanctuary to approximately 75 dogs and 10 cats.
Morgan Pagliocco ’18 said that while members of the company were between a few potential service partners, Mostly Mutts ended up being the popular choice.
“They had a strong need for our help and the dogs are just too cute!” Pagliocco said.
The company’s service project had three parts: construction, maintenance, and advocacy.
“Mostly Mutts is a no-kill shelter in Sunbury, and it is basically run by one woman, so part of the construction was rebuilding two ramps that led from her house to two enclosures. The existing ramps were too steep for the dogs to safely climb up and down, so we rebuilt the ramps to be more sturdy, and to be at a less-steep angle,” Dan Rogus ’18 said.
With maintenance, company members helped clean up the Mostly Mutts site, removing vegetation and scrap materials and better organizing supplies. With advocacy, the company created an online presence to spread the word about the work that Mostly Mutts is doing.
The group allotted four Sundays for a group of about 14 company members to travel to the site and participate in construction or maintenance for about six hours a day.
“One of the biggest challenges was working on a budget, not just financially, but with time as well. Everything we do, such as buying materials, driving places on company business, etc., comes out of a budget, which is based on how much of our product we planned to sell,” Rogus said. “Trying to get several people at a time to get together out of class and do work (actual service, discussions, planning, and other company operations) was difficult.”
“We hope to have a continued relationship with Mostly Mutts even after this semester. Ideally, some of our company members will continue to volunteer for the organization and we will be able to recruit other Bucknellians to join our efforts as well,” Pagliocco said.
Company B:
Company B’s Pullovers for Home Makeovers partnered with the HandUP foundation in Milton, Pa. Instead of leaving a small impact on many, Company B decided to improve the life of one individual through renovations of his house, making it suitable for living. Renovations included plaster removal, knocking down a wall, sanding and painting beams on the front porch, and removing molding, among other tasks.
“By the end of each day we were all very dirty and dusty, but everyone’s dedication showed and we all worked hard to finish the job,” VP of Service Marissa Mancuso ’18 said.
Company members were able to garner support from the University community by hosting an on-campus clothing drive. Clothing bins were installed outside the LC, in the laundry mods, and outside Vedder Hall, Swartz Hall, and Hunt Hall to support the HandUP foundation. By contacting Greek organizations, philanthropy chairs were able to offer service hours in exchange for donated items. As of Nov. 6, the company donated over 1,305 items.
In addition to collecting clothing, Company B hosted a tool drive. Members reached out to local businesses like Lewisburg’s AutoZone, Cole’s Hardware, and Lewisburg Builders Supply. These businesses were able to advertise the tool drive to a wider audience.
Company B also organized an event for Nov. 13 in which HandUP’s marketing director will discuss volunteer opportunities available to students.
“Hopefully, the University can stay connected with the organization when our company disperses in December,” Mancuso said.
Company C:
Company C’s Caps for Kelsey decided to partner with Kelsey’s Dream for its service project. Kelsey’s Dream is a small organization located in Mifflinburg, Pa. that aims to brighten the lives of pediatric cancer patients. To support this cause, Company C gave snacks, toys, blankets, and pen pal letters to pediatric cancer patients at the Janet Weis Children’s Hospital.
“Our goal was to donate several [items] to the children that would hopefully bring a smile to their faces,” CEO Delaney Sheetz ’18 said.
Company members incorporated service and business by placing pediatric cancer ribbons on all advertisements and on stickers provided with the product to raise awareness for the cause. Individuals who purchased were invited to sign a cloud with the Kelsey’s Dream logo for a community banner.
The company also made a video for Kelsey’s Dream and hosted an advocacy event on campus titled “Kelsey’s Angel Day” to inform students how to get involved with the organization.
“We were able to provide them with all the items we promised and more! They have been really appreciative of everything that we have done to make an impact on the organization,” Sheetz said.
The money from Company C’s patriotic Bison hats and other donations will support the purchase of Hopper the Cancer Crusher. Hopper is a therapy toy created by Kelsey’s Dream to comfort children undergoing treatment.
“We hope to brighten the lives of these children by giving them a sense of comfort and support as they battle cancer. We hope that our pen pal program continues even after our class ends because the emotional connection we established with the kids was one of the most important aspects of our service project,” VP of Service Colleen Barron ’18 said.
“We also hope that our advocacy efforts influence the University community to support Kelsey’s Dream as they grow as an organization,” Barron said.
Company D:
Company D’s DiversiTEEs sold “One World, One Herd” long-sleeve pocket tees in support of the Greater Susquehanna Valley YMCA in Milton. The profits from the shirts are being donated to help renovate the YMCA’s activities room. During site visits to the Y, company members participated in games and activities that highlighted difference and acceptance with the children. The sessions had an “Around the World” theme to highlight Company D’s emphasis on diversity and inclusivity. Company members also painted a mural in the YMCA’s dance room to revitalize the teen center.
“Our company hopes to make a memorable impact at the YMCA by creating a more inviting and fun environment for the children through renovating and reviving certain rooms. We also hope that the activities held during the TGIF sessions allow children to learn more about the theme of inclusivity,” Service Division’s Marketing & Advertising Director Jake Newman ’18 said.
“As for the University community, we aim to strengthen our involvement with the Milton YMCA so that we can increase the number of volunteers that help out,” Newman said. “It seems like we will be able to make a sizable donation towards the YMCA.”
“Not only do we hope to set a lasting impact on the youth of the YMCA with our events on diversity and inclusivity, but we also want to see the YMCA in Milton structurally benefit from our service for the renovation of their common room,” Hannah said.
MGMT 101 companies have always had long-lasting impacts on the local community.
“Not counting this semester’s four companies, 279 MGMT 101 companies have provided services and donations valued in excess of $433,300 and have worked about 89,700 person-hours for their service client partners,” Professor of Management Tammy Hiller said.
So what can students enrolling in MGMT 101 next semester expect?
“At times, you will be intimidated, nervous, scared, and frustrated, but these feelings all slip away when you come together and work as a team to complete a project. So don’t try to work alone, be a team, and build on each other’s strengths. Allow yourself to learn in every moment, good or bad, that may come across your path,” Hannah said.
“Management 101 has taught me about teamwork and working collaboratively to accomplish a mission. We would not have been able to do what we have done if everyone had not worked so hard in the roles that they were given. We also learned a lot about using our resources as efficiently as possible since we have such little time to get so much accomplished,” Sheetz said.