Graphic by Ellen O'Donnell, Graphics Manager
The ’Nell Party hosted its fourth stand-up comedy show of the year in Trout Auditorium on March 4 at 7 p.m. The ’Nell Party is the first formal comedy and sketch club at the University and has made a massive impact on the campus community, drawing large crowds at each show. Just like at the group’s last show, every chair was occupied and audience members overflowed into the aisles.
“The last show was a fire hazard. People were overflowing into the aisles and lining the back of the room,” Director of Marketing Caroline Clancy ’18 said.
Five students performed in the show: Ben Gerber ’18, Frederick Schroeder ’16, Will Rappaport ’16, John Simmons ’17, and Annina Ruggirello ’18. Master of ceremonies Chris Simone ’18 introduced the performers and engaged the crowd with his entertaining descriptions. Shiri Levine ’16 directed the show.
Gerber opened his set with a number of sexual innuendos. He focused many of his jokes at the expense of his friends and their experiences flirting with girls, specifically Dining Services staff.
Schroeder poked fun at himself and his major, explaining to the crowd his nicknames and his plans, or lack thereof, for what he is going to do after graduation.
Rappaport focused much of his set on being Jewish and his struggles regarding finding Jewish women on campus. He joked about jumping on the floor in search of a penny and the crowd laughed uncontrollably.
Ruggirello, a member of the women’s rowing team, made references to her team, her sex life, and how many would be surprised to learn that any member of her team has a sex life at all.
The ’Nell party tries to host two shows each semester, and have another show coming up on April 21. The upcoming show will be a collaborative show with the improv comedy group We Brake For Nobody, and they are working out the details for a roast they will be hosting.
“The ’Nell Party is always looking for new members to showcase their talents,” Clancy said.
The name ’Nell Party comes from “Bucknell,” and the idea of party comes from the idea of a political party made up of a diverse group of individuals with a common goal of making people laugh. They also call it a party because they have fun. The club is best known for their stand-up comedy shows, and has already made a positive impression on the student body in a short period of time.
“This was the first comedy show I went to, and I thought it was really great. The place was packed,” Gavin Adams ’18 said.