November 8. This day has been talked about for well over a year, and we have all been bombarded on a daily basis with election information via traditional news, social media, and conversation. The constant dialogue and rhetoric led to acts of violence, spirited debate, and, most importantly, meaningful conversation about issues the country is facing.
It has opened discussion about what people need in the next leader of the United States and what they predict will happen in this country over the next four years. And now the day has finally come. Donald Trump will be the next Commander in Chief, will nominate at least one, if not four, Supreme Court Justices, and will be the president of the United States of America.
On the night of Nov. 8, the counting of the votes began. Quickly, viewers realized things were not going to go the way in which they thought it would. Trump secured the majority in swing states that many thought would go to Hillary Clinton. With wins for Trump in Florida, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, it was impossible for Clinton to reach the 270 electoral votes she needed to win the race.
The counting lasted until about 2:30 a.m., when the election was finally called and Trump gave his victory speech. He delivered a humble and presidential speech in which he said to all watching that, “we must reclaim our country’s destiny.” He spoke about his ideas and touched on his plans to fix our inner cities, take care of our veterans, reach our economic potential, and build great relationships with other nations.
This outcome is not something that many people saw coming. For months, there have been numerous campaign ads against Trump and many media outlets spreading stories about him. People laughed off the idea that Trump would ever actually win the election. No one saw the silent majority coming, and they came out in full force on Election Day.
While many projected Clinton as the clear winner from the #ImWithHer posts and biased media reports, there were people who were content not to post on social media nor tell everyone they know who they chose to vote for. In my opinion, they did not need to post Facebook statuses telling all those who did not vote for Clinton to unfriend them.
Rather, they came to a conclusion of who to vote for based on their personal convictions, went to the polls, and cast their votes. It seems to me that the outcome of this election indicates that many Americans were fed up with the status quo and elected a political outsider in hopes that he will be an agent for change. Only time will tell if this election truly leads to change.
Regardless of your political affiliation, your choice for president, or your feelings about the outcome of the election, the next president of the United States will be Trump. It is not the time to condemn those who made the decision to vote for him. Instead, it is time to rally behind the democratic system of this nation and support the man that has been elected as president. It is time to educate yourself on his policy and what he plans to do during his term in office.
If there is something that you disagree with, get involved. Write a letter to your state representatives or lobby to make changes in policy. Start conversations with others and make a change. Take these positive steps to make a difference where you see one needs to be made. Writing Facebook statuses or other social media posts about how you are angry, while something you have a right to do, will not make substantial change where it really matters.