For many first-year students, Thanksgiving vacation will be anything but relaxing. Studies have confirmed that roughly 75 percent of first-years finally end their high school relationships during the week-long November break. The Bucknellian surveyed several first-year students to get to the bottom of what causes these Thanksgiving break-ups, commonly referred to within the academic community as the “Turkey Drop.”
According to the initial reports, many first-year students feel that they have simply outgrown their high school romances and have started searching for more mature relationships. Stacy Swartz ’21 is one of many students who has expressed an interest in this emotional growth.
“My boyfriend Kenneth and I started dating at band camp last summer,” Swartz said. “He’s a really talented trumpet player and, at the time, we both really bonded over our passion for music. But now that I’m in college, I feel like I’ve really grown up and stuff. I should date someone older.”
Swartz went on to give us a glimpse into her new romantic prospects on campus.
“Last weekend at Super Saturday I met this cool junior boy who shotgunned three beers in under a minute,” Swartz said, blushing. “He’s on the squash team and he told me he’s living downtown next year. It’s going to be really hard to end things with Kenneth, but I’m, like, really mature now. It’s time to move on.”
Other students, like Chris Coleman ’21, have shared similar stories about how they are falling for new faces around the University.
“My girlfriend Karen and I have been together since the beginning of high school. We went to every prom together and I’ve enjoyed our relationship,” Coleman said. “It’s just that this girl on my hall, Melissa, is really cool. She was awesome at Color Games during orientation and she has this sweet nose ring. I’ve never met anyone with a nose ring before.”
However, Coleman’s romantic roller coaster has faced many obstacles.
“My OA told me that ‘Hallcest’ is a bad idea, but I can’t help the way I feel,” Coleman said. “I want to ask her to go to the Caf with me, but it wouldn’t be right until I end things with Karen.”
While all of the first-years we surveyed expressed their dread over having to end their long-standing relationships, they remained hopeful about the possibility of finding their own University love story over the next four years.
“Even if things don’t work out with me and Melissa, I’m going to keep my eyes peeled for that special someone,” Coleman said.