Many members of the senior class are currently preparing to defend their honor theses at the end of this school year. The Bucknellian decided to reach out to these seniors, in order to get a sense of the research that they have been doing. We found that many of the seniors have taken their theses in unique directions.
Mechanical engineering: What Legos and Rubber Bands Can Teach Us About Our World
Animal behavior on campus: How the Mod Monkeys Interact with Our Student Body
Chemical Engineering in real life: Why People Have the Urge to Taste Tide Pods, and What Can We Do About it?
Topics in early education: An Observational Study of Adolescent University Squirrels
Biology: Exploring the Human Cell Through Interpretive Dance
Chemistry: A Journey Through the Periodic Table of Elements with Watercolors
Art history: Using Sidewalk Chalk to Illustrate a Timeline of Notable European Painters
Italian Studies: Why Absolutely Everyone Should Go Abroad, as Told by a Google Slides Presentation of My Semester Abroad
Creative Writing: An Acoustic Album Displaying Various Creative Writing Techniques
Computer Science: How my Experiences Playing Fortnite have Impacted My Education
While at first glance these theses topics may seem strange, it could be argued that they represent the creativity and out-of-the-box thinking that is characteristic of the University’s students. It is safe to say that these seniors have made the most of their time on campus. Surely their theses presentations will show their hard work and thought-provoking research.