Film studies student analyzes Jordan Peele’s decision to have actors portray the characters in Us

Jeff Klebauskas, Staff Writer

After seeing “Us” a grand total of 19 times since its release, film studies student Milos Kubrick Ford Coppola ’20 moved well beyond the story’s obvious subtext and delved into the much deeper implications of director/writer/producer Jordan Peele’s decision to specifically use actors in his film.


While taking a break from writing his senior thesis entitled “The Social Ramifications Lying Underneath M. Night Shyamalan’s Inclusion of Film Credits at the End of ‘The Sixth Sense,’” Coppola condescendingly explained his interpretation of Peele’s film to The Bucknellian and to anyone who just so happened to be in Bertrand Library at the time.


“What most people don’t realize about cinema,” Coppola said, “is that what is seen on the surface has far greater meaning when you apply your own, subjective spin to it, regardless of what the director claims the point of the movie is.”


Coppola continued talking while baffled onlookers struggled to understand his message.


“Every creative decision that directors make has connotations that only I can understand,” Coppola said. “Peele’s decision to use actors to portray the characters in his latest film seems innocuous, perhaps even logical, but it is actually a biting social commentary on how we, as humans, portray characters in our everyday lives. We are usually not who we present ourselves to be.”


According to students at the scene, a campus worker who came into the room to put a fresh bag in one of the garbage cans overheard Coppola’s ramblings and couldn’t help but interject.


“I don’t know, man. I think you’re looking way too deep into it,” the bystander said. “I mean, every director uses symbolism and subtext but using actors to tell the story? That’s, like, what movies are. Right?”


Coppola scoffed at the challenge to his carefully crafted theory and demanded to be left alone, claiming he could not be bothered with such inept forms of film analysis. He has not left the library since.      

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