Graphic by Alex Iannone
You’ve been BOOed! For those of you who aren’t aware, getting BOOed entails receiving an anonymous Halloween-themed gift outside of your front door.
College students on a budget this holiday season can still partake in BOOing this holiday season by following these tips:
As a replacement for candy, take the honey packets located around the school. Seventh Street Café and Bertrand Library both have honey up for grabs. Either place a packet into your bag or drizzle it on top to garnish the rest of your goodies.
For first-years, the Caf is a perfect resource, as I’m sure everyone would love a chicken breast in their bag. If you don’t have access to the Caf, hanging out in first-year dorms all day and begging for a swipe has about a 60 percent success rate. Those odds are worth playing.
Coffee stirring sticks are a great gift. If you get creative with it, you can use them to create a scale model stick-figure of whoever you are BOOing, which everyone seems to love.
It is hard to steal a library book, but pretty easy to rip out a page or two. Reading is the last thing a student wants to do on Halloween — making your bag extra spooky.
If you don’t put your sign saying that you got BOOed up, you might get BOOed twice. In this case, you can regift your BOO, or you can keep your original bag, and pass on the second one you receive.
People often underestimate how much other people want to receive blades of grass. This would make excellent bag filler or confetti.
Finally, if you feel comfortable with doing away with the anonymity aspect, giving someone your room key and promising them unlimited access to your belongings is another solid addition.
Happy BOOing!