Photo by Yanjing Huang
On Friday, Aug. 21, The University’s Campus Activities and Programs’ Core (CAP Core) held its first event of the semester: Bingo Blingo, a night for students all around campus to gather and play variations on the classic Bingo game for prizes.
While the event is typically held in Bostwick Marketplace at the Elaine Langone Center, this year was markedly different. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Bingo was held at Uptown, the MacDonald Commons and on Zoom. This allowed remote students to participate while giving on-campus students the opportunity to play in-person and still maintain social distancing.
Carole Beckhorn ’23, one of the event coordinators, started planning Bingo Blingo in early July. “I knew I had quite a bit to change and adapt because of COVID and it was going to be very different from how I organized it last year,” she said.
Unlike in past years, there were no physical Bingo cards. Instead of simply picking up a card while walking into the event, students were required to fill out a form in order to get a Bingo card sent to their email addresses. This alteration also increased the ease with which event staff could check for winning cards, as it was all digital.
“After a few tech issues were worked out in the beginning, the games went smoothly, and everyone had a good time all evening,” Beckhorn said.
The prize system was different as well this year. Rather than having all the prizes on display, a list was sent out and the winners were able to choose which prize they wanted. There were small prizes that included items such as a University mug and room lights, medium prizes which included items like a University sweatshirt and Bluetooth headphones, large prizes such as a Keurig and television and the grand prize of an iPad mini.
The Bingo operation was primarily headquartered at Uptown. For those students who were able to attend on-campus, lawn games and snacks and drinks were provided, as well as a chance to win $100 for the first 50 people who arrived. Before the games started, students could be seen chatting with friends and catching up after the long summer break.
Despite the changes, students like Jada Lopez ’24 managed to make the best of the situation, describing it as a “fun enjoyable time to spend with new people.”
After almost everyone received their Bingo cards, the game began. Students could be seen eagerly waiting for the next number to be called. The crowd’s favorite number was O69, which when called was always followed by cheers, but nothing compared to the applause when a student got Bingo.
Although not everyone could win, many students were glad to be there.
“I’m grateful they are setting events despite the circumstances,” Connor Mangan ’24 said.
“One time I won an iPad there, so I can’t pass up the opportunity to go to Bingo Blingo,” Riley Ernst ’22 said.
Upcoming events on campus include DIY Night on Aug. 28 at 7th Street Studio and Just Desserts on Sept. 25 at Uptown, the Commons and the Makerspace.