In-person and IN Network

Victoria Lendino, Contributing Writer

IN Network Events

This fall semester has come with many changes – from mandated facial coverings in public spaces, to the preeminence of online classes and the extinction of social events, the on-campus experience is fundamentally different from the recent past. One aspect of campus life that has changed noticeably (while maintaining its commitment to involvement, socialization and entertainment) is the Campus Activities & Programs (CAP) Center and the events it hosts throughout the semester. The CAP Center has adapted to these new and challenging times in its hosting of weekly events, which ensure both amusement and safety to all the participants involved.

“There are so many creative outlets to get involved in. From goat yoga at Country Fair to outdoor movies on the quad to winning a cornhole tournament, there truly is something for everyone,” Assistant Director of Campus Activities & Programs Molly Burkholder said. These activities are held at various locations throughout campus — from 7th Street Studio to the Elaine Langone Center (ELC) to Uptown — and take all necessary precautions to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. “We have events every Friday and Saturday night, along with some pop-up programs throughout the week,” Burkholder said.


How Have the Students Reacted?

College is a time full of changes, and the extra ones that came with this fall semester may seem overwhelming at some points, especially to the University’s first-year students. However, despite this, the activities offered by the CAP Center have proven to be an effective way to promote socialization and fun on the campus while keeping students safe. These activities are designed to provide distance and relaxation from the academic week and to attenuate the dramatic social isolation created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Last week’s country fair event, which included goat yoga, a petting zoo and a mechanical bull, proved to be a big hit. “Goat yoga was a nice distraction to all the current worry and stress happening right now,” Georgia Corbett ’24 said. “It was one of the best weekends I have had at Bucknell.” 

Emma Burns ’24, another first-year student at the University attended goat yoga at the Commons and the petting zoo at Uptown, and thoroughly enjoyed both. “I had an amazing time at the country fair. The caramel apples were delicious and it really made me feel like fall is finally here,” Burns said. “Not to mention the goat yoga, which has got to be one of my favorite memories at Bucknell so far! Thanks to everyone who helped put this together because I had a great time.” 

“I have been to a couple of the activity nights but my favorite has definitely been the S’mores Night. It was a fun way to hang out with lots of friends and enjoy snacks even while social distancing, [and] I really enjoyed it,” Nate Swales ’24 said.

In addition to in-person activities, the IN Network and CAP Center have also organized multiple remote events to take place in order to benefit students. One such event is the University’s Career Zoom @ Noon, a weekly resource for students to learn about career-related information and various techniques to secure an internship or job. Tori Casquarelli ’24, who attended this Zoom event, explained that the session provided helpful information and encouraged other students to attend. In short, the CAP Center appears to have created a largely successful campus program for the semester, despite the obvious difficulties presented by social distancing and mask-wearing protocols.


How to Stay Informed

From weekly emails to social media, there are plenty of ways to stay in-the-loop on the activity offerings of the CAP Center and the IN Network. An easy way to stay updated on their events is to follow the CAP Center’s Instagram, @bucknellcapcenter. This page not only posts the necessary information for all events hosted, both in-person and online, but also posts highlights of students enjoying the events in a safe way. 

In addition to this Instagram page, the full schedule for the activities offered through the CAP Center is available on the University’s App under the “Campus Life” tab. Lastly, all students are emailed a weekly bulletin by both the IN Network, as well as the Bucknell Message Center Digest, which outlines all upcoming events. With all the changes seen on campus, it is as important as ever to stay involved and connected, and, luckily, the resources provided by the CAP Center make such involvement far easier.

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