Meet the Editors

Juliana Rodrigues, Special Features Co-Editor

Layout by Sienna Henry ’26.

Editor-in-Chief: Jaxon White ’23

Jaxon started writing for The Bucknellian during his first year at Bucknell. Originally joining to receive extra credit from a teacher who recommended he join, he began as an opinions writer. The year after, he became the section editor. Jaxon later decided he wanted to pursue a career in journalism. He ran for and was elected to be the news editor during his junior year. As a student athlete on the Track and Field Team, Residential Advisor and student employee, Jaxon’s involvements help him stay informed about what is going on around campus. 

Regarding his involvement with The Bucknellian, Jaxon has said that, “It’s made my Bucknell experience. It has helped me realize what I want to do and given me an outlet to practice it. I’ve also made plenty of friends over the years with The Bucknellian, spending hours with them to meet deadlines and write last minute articles.”

Print Managing Editor: Haley Beardsley ’24

In the Spring of 2021, Haley became a contributing writer for The Bucknellian. She was then elected for an editor position for the opinions section before taking on her role this year. At Bucknell, she is a part of the Women’s Crew Team, conducts research for the Digital Humanities department, and works as an intern for the Bucknell University Press. Haley says that she “endures the stress headaches induced by staring at the Acer screens every Wednesday” out of love for the staff.

Digital Managing Editor: Sal Iovino ’24

Having been involved with the Bucknellian since his first year, Sal formerly wrote for the opinions section and held an editor position for the section during his sophomore year. As a literary studies minor, Sal uses what he learns to help him with different writing styles and editing skills. 

“Writing for the Bucknellian has been my main campus involvement and something I enjoy talking with people about and bringing people into,” Sal said. “Everyone has things to say, and I think it’s great that we as a staff give people an outlet to have their voices heard. If you are on the fence about writing for The Bucknellian, do it.”  

News Editor and Communications Director: Bridgette Simpson ’23

Bridgette began writing for the Bucknellian during the first semester of her first year and took on the satire editor position as a sophomore. As a creative writing major and writer for HerCampus, Bridgette has extensive experience with writing and editing. Throughout the past four years, Bridgette has had over 80 articles published in The Bucknellian.

“The newspaper has propelled my writing career forward in ways I couldn’t have imagined, including helping me get job interviews, building my resume, and being chosen for internships,” Bridgette said. “I have loved writing and editing for The Bucknellian and will miss it and all of the amazing people I met through it next semester.”

Opinions Co-Editor: Amanda Maltin ’24

Starting as an opinions writer during her sophomore year, Amanda began her position as editor this year. She has said that her involvements on campus have helped her understand what is important to students. For Amanda, she says The Bucknellian has been a way for her to connect with others who like journalism. 

Opinions Co-Editor: Harley Marks ’23

During the fall semester of her junior year, Harley began writing for The Bucknellian. Since taking on the editor position for the opinion section, she has said that her involvement with Bucknell Student Government has helped her stay aware of events happening on campus. She is also constantly working to improve her writing skills as a student employee in the Writing Center. 

Speaking about The Bucknellian, she said, “…it has provided me with a space to have my unfiltered thoughts and opinions heard by the campus community; writing for The Bucknellian empowers you to make change.”

Special Features Co-Editor: Juliana Rodrigues ’24

Starting as a writer for special features during her sophomore year, Juliana has stayed involved with the section ever since. Being involved with the dance program, Greek Life and the ResED office, Juliana is able to bring up to date events or topics to the section for students. She says The Bucknellian has been a way for her to make new connections and encourage her friends to write and get involved.

Special Features Co-Editor: Kelsey Werkheiser ’25

Taking on an editor position for the first time this year, Kelsey originally started writing during their first year. Having had previous involvement with technical theatre on campus, they are able to stay aware of theatre performances to include in Special Features. Kelsey said that The Bucknellian has helped them become more involved on campus and be more aware of current events.

Satire Editor: Max Bean ’24

Getting involved with The Bucknellian his first semester of his first year, Max has since published over 45 satire articles. Incorporating skills from his involvements with the Peer Writing Center and the Open Discourse Coalition, Max has now been the satire editor for two semesters.

“Writing for The Bucknellian has enhanced my time at Bucknell and given me a hands-on view for how a paper operates. I’m very happy to provide entertainment to the student body. Being chosen as Satire Editor worked out perfectly given I’m the funniest guy I know,” he said.

Sports Editor: Clara McCormick ’23

After being recommended by a former sports editor during her first year at Bucknell, Clara started writing for The Bucknellian. As a varsity athlete on the field hockey team, Clara is able to stay up to date with Bucknell sports. Outside of The Bucknellian, Clara is an editorial intern for West Branch literary magazine, which is located at the Stadler Center on campus. While abroad this past summer, she was also an intern for Civil Service World, a magazine designed for civil servants across the United Kingdom, where she wrote, interviewed and edited articles. 

Print Presentation Director: Dora Kreitzer ’25

Prior to her current role, Dora held positions as assistant news editor and layout editor. Dora talks about the rewarding experiences she has gained writing and editing for The Bucknellian.

“The Bucknellian staff is such an amazing group of people that make all of the time spent at Stuck House feel worth it,” she said.

Photography Co-Editor: Maddie Hamilton ’23

Before taking on her current role, Maddie has acted as a photographer and assistant photography editor for the paper. Maddie can be seen around campus at various events taking pictures and also as a tour guide through her involvement with the Office of Admissions. 

“Taking pictures is a great opportunity for me to go to events that I normally would not choose for myself, and by doing so I gain insight and new experiences every time,” Maddie said.

Photography Co-Editor: Oluwasefunmi Oluwafemi ‘25

Since Spring of this year, Oluwasefunmi has held a position as a Photography Co-Editor. With her other involvements on campus such as T.E.A.M. and BASA, she helps to ensure important stories and perspectives are covered.

Oluwasefunmi has enjoyed this role because it has given her the opportunity to “to do some of what [she loves] and capture many beautiful moments with beautiful people at Bucknell.”

Graphics Manager: Kyle Putt ’23

Kyle got involved drawing graphics for The Bucknellian during his first year. Now, four years later, Kyle still holds the position. He explained that it has given him a creative outlet. He said, “Drawing graphics for The Bucknellian is my escape from the perpetual torment of mechanical engineering.”

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