As the Class of 2024 concludes their final academic weeks and prepares for their upcoming commencement, they have reflected on their time at Bucknell. Seniors have shared advice they find significant, keeping in mind the future and current students in grades below.
“I would recommend to all first-years to pick a major that interests them, rather than one that they may believe is best fit for a career. When I came to Bucknell, I was hesitant on being a History major because I was told that it would not lead to a “valuable” profession other than teaching. I couldn’t be more wrong! It’s most important to pick something that you find academically rigorous and interesting rather than something that you think will make you money. Take a lot of different classes in your first year to gauge what you are passionate about. Enjoy your education and connect with your professors as much as possible!” – Julia Clayton
“In your earlier years of college take classes that might be out of your comfort zone or that aren’t traditionally taken by people in your major. Some of my favorite classes that I took at Bucknell had nothing to do with my major and I loved them so much!” – Anna Keaveney
“Get involved in the Lewisburg community! You will likely never live in Central Pennsylvania again in your life.” – Molly Tuthill
“Take advantage of everything Bucknell has to offer! From extracurriculars to Greek life there are so many ways to be involved on campus and meet new people. Bucknell also has so many great networking events and advice on the job search process at the career center. By using the tools Bucknell has to offer, you will be able to succeed at Bucknell and life after!” – Connor Bennett
“Take time alone, for yourself, to soak it all in. If you aren’t intentional, the high-paced environment of Bucknell and lifestyle and pressures as a college student can take away what’s most important: the present moment 🙂 Remember the best days of your life can’t happen without you there!” – Audrey Lee
“Get out of your comfort zone. Hang out with the people you’ll miss most. Get outside as much as possible. Maintain strong relationships with professors.” – Will Chapin
“It’s cliched but true to say that four years at Bucknell can go by much quicker than you imagine. When I think of what I would recommend most, I instantly say to get involved in as much as you can! Take advantage of every opportunity, resource and event Bucknell has to offer. Our time here is unique in various ways, in order to make the most of that it is best to immerse ourselves into different communities and experiences!” – Juliana Rodrigues
“Wake up early, eat a big breakfast, do what you got to do, and listen to Metal.” – Shane Mitchell
“My piece of advice would be to explore Lewisburg as much as possible. Try all of the different ice cream places such as the Freeze, Purple Cow and Old Mill Creamery. Find a rope swing or float down the Susquehanna. Explore all of the unique shops downtown, especially all of the antique stores. Lewisburg really has some amazing gems where I have been able to have some really good memories with friends. Sometimes all you need is a little break from homework and getting a friend to jump on the rail trial is a great break!” – Victoria Hall
“Take advantage of the flexibility of a liberal arts education and take classes outside of your intended major! Because of a random Political Science class I took the end of my first year I ended up changing my major and thus my career path and I cannot imagine it any other way!” – Virginia Vincent
“Don’t compare yourself to others! People only ever post the good things that happen to them, so if you are constantly reading what everyone else is doing, you will never feel like you’re good enough to belong here. You deserve to be here because you got in here. Take up space and know that everyone’s life path is different. You are neither ahead nor behind, you are right where the universe wants you to be.” – Spencer Howell
“Make the most of every opportunity to learn and grow into a better you! Time flies so cherish every moment and don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone!” – Gerty Hisler
“Push yourself to step out of your comfort zone!! Bucknell is full of a ton of amazing opportunities and resources to help you grow, whether it be in your career, academics, or simply yourself! These 4 years are about learning more about who you are and how you can succeed here at Bucknell and beyond, and while that includes your academics and career goals, it also includes your development of self during your Bucknell journey. Going off of that, as hard as it is, try not to give into comparisons. Bucknell can be a very competitive environment, but don’t be afraid to try new things, make mistakes, and start anew again. We are all figuring it out at our own paces! Everyone’s on their own timeline 🙂 best of luck and Ray bucknell!” – Noelia Vargas
“My biggest advice is to try to get involved on campus as much as possible! Since Bucknell is a smaller university, there are so many opportunities for every student to make a real, tangible impact on campus. Joining clubs, getting an on campus job, or attending events is a great way to meet new people and optimize your experience at Bucknell. If anyone is looking for something specific to get involved with, I’m heavily biased towards the CAP Center and CORE. They helped my transition into Bucknell immensely, and I really feel like I benefitted my campus community through my time in CORE.” – Sydney Shea