January is over, the confetti is cleared off the floor and the holiday decorations are put away. As we enter February, we are reviewing and changing our New Year’s resolutions. Or maybe we have completely thrown them out the window since they were “too hard” and “not worth it.” Why do resolutions always seem to fail? What can we do to make them last?
For starters, resolutions should be intentional and specific. Saying “I will eat healthier” simply isn’t enough. Instead, say something along the lines of “I will eat two different vegetables a day.” By being specific, we give ourselves the space to be intentional with our resolutions. Starting with huge changes is daunting and scary, but starting small makes it more attainable. For instance, it is better to constantly go to the gym three times a week every month than seven times a week for a month and get burnt out.
What are some ways we can hold ourselves accountable to our goals? For starters, we can have accountability friends, like a friend who will go to the library with you to ensure you study or a run buddy. Another way to hold ourselves accountable is to set reminders on our phones. We are constantly on our devices, so little daily reminders help us keep our goals up.
Productive culture is heavily prevalent in our society, especially in the Bucknell bubble. We live by the motto “work hard, play hard,” without time for rest or calmness. This can lead to us feeling restless that we aren’t doing enough. Furthermore, we are surrounded by the constant refresh, seeing all our favorite influencers always doing something productive. It is important to note that social media isn’t real life and everyone is different. Just because someone on the internet does pilates 6 times a week doesn’t necessarily mean you have to follow the same schedule or aren’t successful. Take time to breathe and note that you don’t have to follow anyone else’s way of life.
New Year’s resolutions are a good way to start fresh and better ourselves. They are a way to improve our lives. A year can change your life drastically, so make sure you change it for the better.