Editorial: The Importance of Supporting Communities Small and Large
February 6, 2014
There’s something to be said for those of us who give back to the community. An act of selflessness, no matter how big or small, can truly go a long way.
Lewisburg celebrated its annual Heart of Lewisburg Ice Festival on Jan. 31 and Feb. 1., featuring many different events, including a few charity events. One of the more notable events was the Polar Bear Plunge, which raised money for the Lewisburg Downtown Partnership (LDP). The LDP aims to develop the local business community and fill the vacancies in downtown storefronts and buildings. Many University students and community members who participated in the Polar Bear Plunge may have not even realized the impact of their donations. The LDP can now use the donations to expand this small business community to a number of passionate, hard-working, and invested business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs.
The Bucknell Advancing Communities, Educating & Serving (B.A.C.E.S.) a cappella concert also took place on Jan. 31 at the historic Campus Theatre. University students who participate in a cappella groups sang together in this charity concert to raise money for this year’s B.A.C.E.S. service trip to the Dominican Republic. This is a perfect example of a small-town event making a large impact on a global community.
Whether University students and community members donated money to jump into a cold river or listen to a cappella music, their contributions to charity made a difference. They opened their wallets and their hearts, to organizations and issues greater than themselves. Although local communities may not stick out on the world map or impact the global economy as much as large cities, these communities need each and every one of us more than large cities do. Everything starts at the local level; every local community needs the support of all of its members to grow and become better. The community we’ve all been a part of or connected to at one time or another–Lewisburg–needs our support in order for it to continue to be an enjoyable place to live and visit. Everything we do can have an impact. It’s up to us to choose how and where we will leave our mark.