Letter to the Editor: Sexual Assault Survivor Support Letter

To the Bucknell Campus Community, 

We, the undersigned, assert that sexual assault (including rape, attempted rape, and unwanted touching) along with sexual harassment, are serious problems at the Bucknell University. These cause pain and suffering, sometimes long-lasting, for survivors and damage not only for the individuals directly involved, but also for our campus culture.

We call on the Bucknell community to adopt an affirmative consent standard (http://sgvnowproject.weebly.com/the-affirmative-consent-standard–rape–sexual-assault-education.html) for all sexual conduct: only a clearly articulated, non-coerced, and enthusiastic “yes” counts as consent. Adopting this standard would make our community expectations regarding bodily integrity and respect for others clearer.

We urge everyone in the Bucknell community to stand with and support survivors of sexual assault and to encourage them to report such incidents. We also encourage the uncovering and public revealing of those circumstances that enable perpetrators to assault others. This will not be easy, but assault is prevalent in part because the activities that allow it to happen are maintained by being kept out of sight.

Responsibility for sexual assault lies first with perpetrators, and with those who support them explicitly by harassing survivors and implicitly by contributing to the rape culture (https://medium.com/human-parts/a-gentlemens-guide-to-rape-culture-7fc86c50dc4c) that is endemic on our campus and in our society. Survivors are not responsible for being assaulted.

We are committed to changing the Bucknell community so that perpetrators are held fully accountable and all sexual assault stops. Our commitment to this goal will end only with the end of this ongoing public health crisis.

In solidarity,

Bill Flack, Psychology

Sheila Lintott, Philosophy and Women’s and Gender Studies

Nikki Young, Women’s and Gender Studies

Erica Delsandro, Women’s and Gender Studies

Coralynn Davis, Anthropology and Women’s and Gender Studies

Kim Allen, Development and Alumni Relations

Katelyn Allers, Physics and Astronomy

Karen Altendorf, Sociology and Anthropology

Christiane Andersson, Art and Art History

James Baish, Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering

Amy Baker, Family Communications

Ashli Baker, Classics

Erdogan Bakir, Economics

Nina Banks, Economics and Griot Institute for Africana Studies

Adrienne Beaver, Office of Publications, Print & Mail

Sarah Bell, Career Development Center

Laura Beninati, Mechanical Engineering

Lori Benner, Counseling and Student Development Center

Morgan Benowitz-Fredericks, Biology

Neil Boyd, Management

Margaret Brody, Chemistry

Tammy Bunn Hiller, Management

Stephen Buonopane, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Molly Butzer ’80, MS ’85, Development

Chris Camuto, English

Elizabeth Capaldi, Biology

Glynis Carr, English

George Casper, Tech Support

Karen Castle, Chemistry

Dan Cavanagh, Biomedical Engineering

Mitch Chernin, Biology

David Cipoletti, Mechanical Engineering

Charles Clapp, Chemistry

Greg Clingham, English and University Press

Paula Closson Buck, English and Stadler Center for Poetry

Logan Connors, French and Francophone Studies (on directory he is listed as Languages, Cultures, and Linguistics)

Gretchen Corl, Development and Alumni Relations (in directory as Advancement Services)

Margaret Cronin, Writing Center

Isabel Cuñado, Spanish

Kim Daubman, Psychology

Paula Davis, Theatre and Dance

Emily Dietrich, Career Development Center

Ann DiStefano, Parents Fund and Family Programs

Michael Dock, Spanish

Michael Drexler, English

Aleece Drumm, Parents Fund and Family Programs

Emily Dryden, Mathematics

Philippe Dubois, French and Francophone Studies

Beth Duckles, Sociology and Anthropology

Mark Elliott, Development

John Enyeart, History

George Exner, Mathematics

Katherine Faull, Comparative Humanities

Abe Feuerstein, Education

Ken Field, Biology

Patti Flannery ’86, Office of Alumni Relations

Abby Flynt, Mathematics

Amy Franklin-Willis, DAR

Nancy Frazier, Library and IT Information Technology 

Michael Frey, Mathematics

Serena Fujita, Berelson Center for Jewish Life

Sharon Garthwaite, Mathematics

Julie Gates, Biology

Carmen Gillespie, English

Kevin Gilmore, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Amy Golightly, Education

Pamela Gorkin, Mathematics

Mary Beth Gray, Geology

Judy Grisel, Psychology

Rob Guissanie, Library and Information Technology

Gary Haggard, Computer Science

Andrea Halpern, Psychology

Mark Haussmann, Biology

Doug Hecock, Political Science

Bastian Heinsohn, Languages, Cultures and Linguistics

Jamie Hendry, Management

Carmen Henne-Ochoa, Sociology and Anthropology

Richard Henne-Ochoa, Education

Sue Ellen Henry, Education and Teaching and Learning Center

Alexis Leanna Henshaw, Political Science

Ellen Herman, Geology

Matt Higgins, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Elaine Hopkins, French and Francophone Studies

John Hunter, Comparative Humanities

Erin Jablonski, Chemical Engineering

Michael James, Political Science

Heather Johns, Communications

Michelle Johnson, Sociology and Anthropology

Janet Jones, Classics

Richard Kedzior, Management

Pam Keiser, Career Development Center

Dave Kelley, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Carl Kirby, Geology

Sabrina Kirby, Writing Center

Kelly Knox, Theatre and Dance

Bernhard Kuhn, Italian Studies

Kelly Kurtz, Admissions

Ned Ladd, Physics and Astronomy

Laura Lanwenmeyer, Teaching and Learning Center

James Lavine, Linguistics

Jason Leddington, Philosophy

Denise Lewis, English

Martin Ligare, Physics and Astronomy

Barry Long, Music

Rita Malick, Library and Information Technology

Michael Malusis, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Jim Maneval, Chemical Engineering

Janice Mann, Art and Art History

Elizabeth Marin, Biology

Dustyn Martincich, Theatre and Dance

Chris Martine, Biology

Vanessa Massaro, Geography

Joe Meiser, Art and Art History

Xiannong Meng, Computer Science

Mark Meyer, Mathematics

Rebecca Meyers, English

Shara McCallum, English and Stadler Center for Poetry

Ghislaine McDayter, English

Molly McGuire, Chemistry

Collin McKinney, Spanish

Karline McLain, Religious Studies

Saundra Kay Morris, English

Helen Morris-Keitel, Languages, Cultures and Linguistics

Arris F.E.N. Moser, Events Management Office

Peter McNamara, Mathematics

Kathleen McQuiston, Research Services and Information Literacy, Bertrand Library

Matt McTammany, Biology and Environmental Studies

Adrian Mulligan, Geography

Kevin Myers, Psychology

Deirdre O’Connor, Writing Center

Seth Orsborn, Management

Derek Palacio, English

Leslie Patrick, History

Merritt Pedrick, Facilities

Lisa Perrone, Languages, Cultures and Linguistics

Luiz Felipe Perrone, Computer Science

Lynn Pierson, Office of Civic Engagement

Carrie Pirmann, Library and IT

Harriet Pollack, English

Marie Pizzorno, Biology

Meenakshi Ponnuswami, English

Timothy Raymond, Chemical Engineering

Susan A. Reed, Women’s and Gender Studies and CSREG

John Rickard, English

Robert Rosenberg, English

Roger Rothman, Art and Art History

Robin Schaech, Student Health

Abbey Scheckter, Development

Mike Schmidli, History

Dave Schoepf, Physics and Astronomy

Harold Schweizer, English

Ned Searles, Sociology and Anthropology

Martha Shaunessy, Women’s and Gender Studies

James Mark Shields, Comparative Humanities

Ludmila Shleyfer , Russian Studies

Deborah Sills, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Erin Singleton, KEEN Program, Engineering

Matthew Slater, Philosophy

Ron Smith, International Relations

Tom Solomon, Physics and Astronomy

Maredith Spangler, Events Management Office

Mary Ann Sigler Stanton ’89, Development and Alumni Relations

Gary Steiner, Philosophy

Jennie Stevenson, Psychology

Andrea Stevenson Sanjian, Political Science

Anthony Stewart, English

Atiya Stokes-Brown, Political Science

Emily Stowe, Biology

Steve Styers, Writing Center

Andrew Stuhl, Environmental Studies

Joseph J. Susan, Jr., Head Football Coach

Mizuki Takahashi, Biology and Animal Behavior

Brenda Thomas, Office of Sponsored Projects

Jennifer Thomson, History

Ann Tlusty, History and Dean’s Office, College of Arts and Sciences

Joseph Tranquillo, Biomedical and Electrical Engineering

Josh Trego, Development

Kris Trego, Classics

Jeffrey Trop, Geology

Emek Uçarer, International Relations

Martha Verbrugge, History

Katharina Vollmayr-Lee, Physics and Astronomy

Claire Vaye Watkins, English

Katsuyuki Wakabayashi, Chemical Engineering

Richard Waller, History

Carol Wayne White, Religious Studies

Elaine Williams, Theatre and Dance

Megan Wolleben, Career Development Center

Amanda Wooden, Environmental Studies

Virginia Zimmerman, English

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