Letter from Michael Sahagian
September 22, 2014
Hello Everyone,My name is Michael Sahagian and I am the President of Sigma Chi. I want to truly thank everyone who signed on to this letter. This shows you all care so much about the community. This response is one with deep regret and can now be looked at as an opportunity for all members of the Greek community to honestly evaluate how we conduct ourselves and uphold our values and beliefs.It is apparent the decision to have a “Playboy” themed party was a true lapse in our judgement, especially with high levels of sexual assault on campus. It is embarrassing that we needed this letter to realize our decision was not a smart one. As fraternity men, we value the community. It is alarming when there are members of this great Bucknell community who feel uncomfortable with how we conduct ourselves. This should not happen anywhere on campus.I love this school and the community so much and Bucknell is a place we all call home. The brothers of Sigma Chi were truly concerned with this letter, which is why upon immediate request, we took down all posters and have decided it is not appropriate to host this event on Saturday. This is a decision all members of Sigma Chi support, having another theme the same night would be a slap in the face to all of you and bring no positives to community conversation.For me, and all of you, we should look now at how to move forward as a community. There are many positives that will come as a result of this action. The Greek community needs an honest evaluation of how its parties transpire and must decide if we truly are upholding the values that we honorably live by as fraternity men.I want to hear from all of you! This cannot happen if there is no dialogue. I am a very welcoming person and care immensely about this school. I am a member of BSG, Head Reunion Ambassador, work in the mail room, on the Alumni Board, and a Student Calling Manager. I have always wanted to do the right thing and make Bucknell as safe as possible to unite us as one.It is not a matter of if this will happen, but when. I strongly encourage any of you to reach out to me because everyone here at Bucknell is equal. Our opinions are all valued and as a man of good character, I believe as a community will have honest discussions in the future and make Bucknell a better place.Please come to me first with any concerns on this or anything at Bucknell. I pride myself as being a leader of the student body and I have always represented my peers. You all should be commended on taking immediate action instead of being reluctant.Thank you again for your time everyone. We all love this school so much. Let’s work together.Best,Michael
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