Is “50 Shades” worth the ticket?

Chanel Twyman, Contributing Writer

“Fifty Shades of Grey” shattered the box office this past Valentine’s Day weekend, making $81.7 million during the first three days.

Due to the successful sequel books, it has been a highly anticipated film for the past six months. Although many categorized the movie as a “chick flick,” it was said to make the perfect Valentine’s Day date, which is why revenues were so high.

Based on the successful novel, the book and film narrates the story of how a young, attractive billionaire sexually dominates a young woman, who then goes against their agreement and falls in love with him. Jamie Dornan played the leading male actor while Dakota Johnson played the leading female. The film was filled with deep, passionate sex scenes that were seen as overwhelming and entertaining, depending on the viewer.

Moviegoers have been giving a plethora of mixed views about the film, with the general rating being a C+ Cinema score. So, was it, in fact, worth it? While it is clear, through reviews and social media, that some think it was worth the wait and money, others disagree.

In fact, the Chicago Tribune, along with others, has compared the film to the “Twilight” storyline. On the contrary, Richard Lawson from Vanity Fair says, “It’s got wit and humor and a modest intelligence about human behavior that, say, the ‘Twilight’ movies never had.” Actual fans of the book stand on the opposite field, as a majority of the general public have spoken out about the movie being horrible.

Joyce Giraud took to Twitter to comment on the film, stating, “As a fan of the book, #50ShadesofGrey the movie was so disappointing.” To add, another watcher took to Twitter to comment: “If you don’t like good stories, good acting nor writing, then #50ShadesofGrey is for you. The special effects were awesome though.”

Overall, “Fifty Shades of Grey” appealed to females over males, and the younger generation over the older. For fans like me who have not read the book, curiosity played a huge part in my decision to watch it. Nonetheless, as implied by the sales, the film made a huge profit and sparked opinion and conversation across the country.


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