BRAIN Club to host 3rd annual 5K
April 9, 2015
The Bucknell Researchers, Advocates, and Investigators in Neuroscience (BRAIN) Club is a student-led organization that helps to raise awareness about psychological and neurological disorders, including autism. Kaitlyn Policastro ’17, the club’s president, leads the club in hosting events throughout the year to support families with autistic children. The club makes it possible for families to bring their children to events that are targeted toward individuals with autism.
“This year, our event will be focused on families with autistic children; activities will be set up to create more of a community event,” Policastro said.
April 12 marks the BRAIN Club’s Autism Awareness 5K Walk/Run. The race takes place on campus and begins at the McDonnell Lawn, adjacent to the Christy Mathewson-Memorial Stadium. Pre-registration starts at 9 a.m. and the race starts at 10 a.m. So far there are 80 runners, but 100 runners are expected to turn out for the race. Runners will receive free t-shirts, and a breakfast social will take place after the race.
Family-oriented activities will take place at the event. Bubble stations, face painting, and Zumba are new additions to the 5K, according to Policastro. The University and Lewisburg community are encouraged to come and support this cause.
All of the proceeds from the event will go toward Geisinger-Bucknell Autism and Developmental Medicine Center. Through its thorough research program, ADMI’s goal is to improve the outcomes of children with autism and other special developmental needs.