Giving thanks for our thanksgiving food

Caitlin Maloney, Staff Writer

Thanksgiving Break is upon us and with it comes thoughts of family, friends, and especially food! While we all understand Thanksgiving as a special holiday to give thanks for all of our good fortunes, the holiday is even more famous for the mountains of food that people all across the country heap onto their plate for Thanksgiving dinner.

What dishes do University students rush home to get a taste of? A poll of University students shows that mashed potatoes are the most favored dish.

“Two years ago I got my wisdom teeth out right before Thanksgiving and the only two things I was able to eat at Thanksgiving dinner were mashed potatoes and gravy. Now it’s my favorite Thanksgiving dish!” Allie Raplee ’16 said.

Other favorites include candied sweet potatoes, turkey, and glazed ham.

“It’s a toss up between sweet potato casserole with melted marshmallow and stuffing,” Caroline Violette ’16 said.

Shockingly, no one immediately thought of pumpkin pie as their favorite Thanksgiving dish, although Thomas Flibotte ’16 emphasized his love for the entire meal.

“I like everything as compliments to each other and can’t justify putting one over another,” Flibotte said.

Whatever your favorite Thanksgiving dish may be, Flibotte is right–the meal is so delicious because all of the dishes put together make it that that way! Happy Thanksgiving!

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