Commencement Editorial: Don’t be a stranger

Commencement marks the end of students’ time at the University and represents a new beginning, whether that entails graduate school, a job, travel, or other ventures. Many students talk about entering the “real world” with both excitement and worry, and while the University may not be known for its “real world” atmosphere, most students have come to find comfort in the so-called “Bucknell bubble.” Still, students would agree that their University education has prepared them academically, intellectually, and socially.  

Four years may come and go for some college students but there is a unique sense of permanency packaged with the University student identity. Seeing a stranger in Bison apparel, catching a glance of a University car sticker in traffic, or observing the classic orange and blue colors reminds alumni of their time spent on campus.

Aside from these small symbols of school pride, it is easy to find proud University students and graduates across the world thanks to alumni resources. For example, the University’s Alumni Career Services offers career guidance for both seniors and graduates. The University’s alumni LinkedIn group has over 13,200 members and its LinkedIn page allows students and graduates to get in contact with any of nearly 30,000 alumni. Similarly, Bucknell Regional Clubs offer a sense of community and host events all over the world.

Additionally, technology has made keeping in touch with both friends and the University itself simpler than ever. Following University-related social media accounts allows students of the past and present to engage with campus life.

While the Class of 2016 may be moving on to life beyond the University, they have left their mark on campus, just as it has likely impacted them. The staff of The Bucknellian would like to congratulate the Class of 2016, wish them luck in the future, and remind them to keep in touch.


Each spring, the staff of The Bucknellian compiles the Commencement issue, which is distributed on campus and downtown during Commencement weekend and is available online for graduates, family, friends, and the University community at large.

The special-edition issue features the accomplishments and achievements of the Class of 2016 with a preview of the Commencement speakers, commentary from student leaders, coverage of the senior tribute, and highlights of landmark University events in each graduating class’ four years at the University, from Orientation to Senior Sunset.

We hope you enjoy this issue and join us in celebrating the Class of 2016!

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