“Cruelest” and “deadliest” prosecutor kicked out of office: A win for Black Lives Matter movement

Julia Lasko, Opinions Co-Editor

Angela Corey: the woman who has sent more people, the majority being black men, to death row than any other Florida prosecutor; the woman who wanted to try 12-year old Cristian Fernandez as an adult in a murder case; the woman who sent Marissa Alexander, a black woman that fired a warning shot into a wall during a fight with her abusive husband, to jail; the woman who failed to indict George Zimmerman, a white neighborhood watchman who shot and killed unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin.

This woman, who has been labeled one of the “cruelest” and “deadliest” prosecutors in the United States, has lost reelection in Jacksonville, Fla. She only gained 26 percent of the vote in the Republican primary. Corey’s rival, Melissa Nelson, beat her by a 38-point margin.

Over the past year there has been an increase in the number of unseated prosecutors that are known to “target young black men while failing to charge, try, or convict police officers who shoot young black men” according to an article written in Slate Magazine. Removing biased, prejudiced, and unjust prosecutors from office is one of the leading goals of the Black Lives Matter movement. The expulsion of Corey puts the movement one step closer to achieving this goal.

Recently, with the rising number of acquittals of white cops who have shot and killed black men, it appears as though the judicial system is ridden with implicit and institutional racism. Identity and race are social constructs, and racial stereotypes are constantly reinforced within society when minority groups are labeled as dangerous and policed in such a manner. The structure of violence encapsulating a majority of the black population, especially those living in impoverished areas of the country, place these people under an unfair level of uncertainty, forcing them to live in constant fear of attack and injustice.

It is imperative that change occurs before these cases even reach the judicial court system. While it is beneficial to rid the court of corrupt councilmen and women, it is equally important to have a police force that strives to break down structural and institutional racism which leads to the loss of innocent lives, thus lowering the number of court cases involving these instances from the start and keeping people like Corey out of the judicial system.

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