Management 101 companies begin product sales
November 10, 2016
If you’ve walked through the Elaine Langone Center mall in the past week, chances are you’ve passed crowded tables with Management 101 students selling their products.
The companies this semester include, “A’s Color Run and a Meal for Everyone,” “B’s Deals for Meals on Wheels,” “C’s Comfy Wear for Kingdom Care” and “D’s Underwear for Community Care.”
A’s Color Run has been selling American Apparel navy crew-necked sweatshirts. B’s Deals sold vintage-looking “dad hats” with “Ray” printed in cursive on them in various colors. C’s Comfy Wear are selling Comfortable Color brand long-sleeved bison-themed pocket tees. D’s Underwear has been selling navy boxers with printed orange bison on them.
The process undergone by each management company before reaching their final design may vary, but the initial structure of the project is the same for each class. Company B CEO Eileen Tan ’19 explained that before receiving job positions, each class begins discussions in research and development (R&D) groups.
“R&D groups are responsible for brainstorming multiple ideas and the popular ideas are turned into coalitions,” Tan said.
Each company also selects a service project to benefit the Lewisburg community. All the initiatives work directly with individuals in the Lewisburg community. Company A will use the money from their sales to donate 20 food baskets to the Union Snyder Community Action Agency and to stock the pantry at Dinner by the River, a local soup kitchen. Company B partnered with Meals on Wheels. Company C is using their money to build benches, picnic tables, and a new entrance sign at Kids of the Kingdom Day School. Company D partnered with the Donald L. Heiter Community Center and will be working on renovating the center.
Company A will also be holding a fundraising color run on Nov. 13 at 10:30 am and Company C plans to hold a field day at the Kingdom Day School to create a fun environment for the kids they are supporting.
Company A’s sales will end on Nov. 12. In the first sales period of their product, the “Ray hat,” Company B sold 153 items. By the second day, they were completely sold out. Company C is still selling their product and only have about 16 shirts left. Company D’s boxer sales ended on Nov. 9.
“[We] have been thrilled with the amount of sales and positive feedback we have received thus far,” Alli Heal ’19 said.