Women’s swimming and diving finish in second at the Bucknell Invitational, men place seventh

Anslee Krouch, Senior Writer

The Bison swimming and diving team hosted the Bucknell Invitational over the weekend of Nov. 17-19. The women’s team placed second with 1,322 points, while the men finished in seventh place with 625.5 points.

By the end of the first day of the Invitational, the women’s team sat in third place with 355.5 points, behind defending champion Towson, which had scored 496 points, and Georgetown, which had scored 370.5.

The Bison had a strong finish in the 200 IM, with Maggie Wyngowski ’21 coming in second place, followed by Julianna Foss ’18 in fourth, Lindsay Smalec ’19 in fifth and Emma Hadley ’20 in sixth. Additionally, Caroline Edelman ’18 finished in third place in the 50 freestyle.

Two relay teams also placed in the top three on the first day of the Invitational. Edleman, Emily Gorham ’21, Katherine O’Shea ’20 and Abigail Rosenberg ’19 placed fifth in Bison history for the 200 freestyle relay with a time of 1:34.51. Hadley, Smalec, Gorham and Leah Bloodgood ’18 also swam the 400 medley relay with the seventh-fastest finishing time in Bison history.

The Orange and Blue moved up to second place after the second day, totaling 920.5 points.

Rosenberg finished in second place for the 200 freestyle and Hadley came in third for the 100 backstroke.

Hadley, Bloodgood, Smalec and Rosenberg also won titles for the 200 medley relay. Additionally, Gorham, Rosenberg, O’Shea, and Mia Haggerty ’21 placed third for the 800 freestyle relay.

On day three, the Bison finished in second place at the Bucknell Invitational with 1,322 points, placing behind Towson with 1,545.5 points.

Hadley took first place in the 200 backstroke, while Rosenberg took first in the 100 freestyle. Wyngowski finished in third for the 200 breaststroke and Smalec moved up to fourth for the 200 butterfly. Rosenberg, Edelman, O’Shea and Maura McManus ’21 also swam the sixth-fastest time in Bison history for the 400 freestyle relay with a time of 3:27.28.

In all, women’s swimming and diving had eight swimmers qualify for ‘A’ finals and two relay teams finish in the top eight on the last day of the Bucknell Invitational.

“I think the team did a really great job of rising to the occasion and making the most out of our biggest meet of the semester. We wanted to show everyone what we’re made of and I think we did just that,” Hadley said.

The men, on the other hand, sat in seventh place with 206.5 points after the first day and remained there for the following two days of the Invitational.

On the first day, Kevin Adams-Mardi ’21 came in third place for the 50 freestyle with a time of 21.02. Mitch Gavars ’21 finished in sixth place in the 500 freestyle. Matt McGoey ’20 took eighth place for the 200 IM and Garrett Sommer ’21 placed eighth for the one-meter dive.

Adams-Mardi also finished in fifth place for the 200 freestyle relay with Charlie McFarland ’19, McGoey, and Jimmy Rush ’20. Chadd Cummings ’19, McFarland and Jacob Lubinski ’21 finished in sixth place for the 400 medley relay with a time of 3:25.82.

The Bison finished day two with 431 points. Cummings took seventh and eighth place, in the 100 breaststroke and 100 butterfly, respectively.

Lubinski finished in fifth place for the 800 freestyle relay and seventh place in the 100 butterfly. Cummings and Lubinski were both on a 200 medley relay team that finished in seventh place.

The Bison finished the Invitational in seventh place with 625.5 points on the final day.

Cummings led the team again, finishing in fourth place for the 200 breaststroke. Sommer also finished in seventh for the 3-meter dive, while Gavars finished in eight for the 1,650 freestyle.

Towson finished the day in first place with 1,321 points, followed by Georgetown with 1,214.5 points.

“There was a lot of good competition at the meet, and it was great to see how we stacked up with our competition. It was also a great indicator for how we compare to teams within the Patriot League. This definitely has us excited for our championship meet in February,” Cummings said.

Several swimmers from the men’s and women’s team will be competing at the USA Swimming Winter National Championship in Columbus, Ohio from Nov. 29 to Dec.2. Both teams will be back in action on Jan. 13 in West Point, N.Y to take on Army West Point and Boston College.

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