Flu hits campus

Haley Mullen, Assistant News Editor

On Jan. 24 Dean Badal sent an email to the entire campus community with the subject line: “Important Information Regarding the Flu,” discussing the growing number of cases of the influenza this winter.

The flu can result in not only a fever and sore muscles, but also “hospitalization or death,” Badal said.

To limit the spread of the illness on campus Badal urged the recipients of the email to take precautions, ranging from hand-washing and avoiding gatherings (including classes, parties, dining halls, performances, and the gym) to heading home if one falls ill.

Additionally, many professors have began addressing classes with instructions to stay home if students are feeling unwell.

“I encourage you to stay home and take care of yourselves if you are sick; in so doing, you’ll also be taking care of each other by reducing the spread of cold and flu viruses” assistant professor of English Mai-Linh Hong said to her literature class.

“The health and wellness of our campus is our primary concern,” Badal said.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the influenza virus, contact Bucknell Student Health at 570-577-1401.

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