New opportunities at the Career Center

Juliana Collins, Contributing Writer

The Bucknell Career Center for Advancement (CCA) is a resource accessible to all students looking for full-time jobs or internships, both on and off campus. Students can make appointments on the University website to meet with counselors or coaches remotely to discuss any questions they may have. During a meeting with a counselor or coach, students can review their resume, apply to internships and draft emails to employers.

In order to provide students with several opportunities, the University recently transitioned to using Handshake on June 1. Handshake is a site used to explore career options and connect with employers online. The CCA also provides career fairs and events in order to build your network and make face-to-face connections. This past weekend, on Feb. 11, the University hosted a virtual career fair from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. There are many resources available for students who want to make use of their summer so it is important that each student take advantage of these tools.

When asked about their virtual career fairs, the Senior Assistant Director of the CCA Megan Wolleben said, “We recently hosted our first career fair of the semester and have two more planned for later in the Spring semester as well as industry focused meet and greets with sessions from alumni across different companies. We will host our first one on Technology Thursday Feb. 18 with alumni from Google, IBM, Honeywell and Cloudflare. More will be coming throughout the semester on: Communications, Marketing and Advertising and Non-profit and Government.”

“We are working diligently to make sure we are still bringing as many opportunities for students to meet and network with alumni, great internships and jobs to apply for, and help get prepared in any way for their next step in their career journey,” Wolleben said.

The CCA provides opportunities for students to explore and determine their career goals. Most students choose to pursue work immediately after they graduate. However about 20 percent of students opt to pursue a graduate or professional school directly after they graduate and many more decide to pursue graduate degrees a few years after they graduate (in a recent email from the CCA).

“The Career Center helped me revise my resume so I could stand out to potential future employers. It is definitely worth the trip,” Brad Tauscher ’23 said.

Some useful links provided by the CCA are Graduate School Advising at the University, which is conducted primarily through the faculty to help students find programs. Another link is the Pre-Health Professions and Law. The Office of Undergraduate Fellowships and Research provides information and programming about undergraduate research opportunities and applications for post-graduate fellowships.

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