Breaking the Bubble

Bridgette Simpson, News Content Editor


As students across the country are heading back to school, the tension of the discussion surrounding race and gender has increased to an all time high. Books such as “The Hate U Give” by Angie Thomas, “Gender Queer” by Maia Kobabe, and “Me and Earl and The Dying Girl” by Jesse Andrews are being pulled off library shelves in Texas. Oklahoma and Florida have passed laws restricting access to books or the ability to teach about race and gender.

Maine’s “Wreaths Across America” has raised the American flag every Tuesday since 9/11/2001, and plans to raise the flag for this coming 9/11 in remembrance of those who lost their lives. Three women began the tradition when they raised their American flags on 9/11/01, and continued the tradition for 19 years until they retired. “Wreaths Across America” took over, and invited everyone to join in raising their flags on this year’s 21st anniversary of September 11.


According to the Associated Press, Liz Truss of the Conservative Party was formally named Prime Minister of England after meeting with Queen Elizabeth on Tuesday. Her laundry list of things she aims to complete is long, but at the top is addressing the energy crisis posed by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine; the threat of energy costs being pushed to unaffordable levels this winter is also at the top of her priorities as she assumes her new role to replace Boris Johnson.

Canadian authorities are searching for two suspects they believe are responsible for the deaths of 10 people after a mass stabbing, according to CNN. Their names are Damien and Myles Sanderson, 31 and 30 years old, respectively. Authorities and police believe that some of the victims that were stabbed were targeted, while others were random. Officials sent out a “civil emergency” as a result of Sunday’s attack, and are still looking for the suspects.

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