Letter to the Editor: GSA and Fran’s House Leadership issue demands for administration

Dear Bucknell University,

Today is Trans Day of Visibility. Across the nation, state legislatures are passing laws to restrict and ban trans people from existence, and more and more states are following suit. This year alone, Pennsylvania has introduced three new anti-trans bills to legislation. Transgender people are already at high-risk of violence, sexual-assault, and legal oppression in the United States, and the increasing publicity and politicization of these issues is making any kind of visibility even more dangerous. 

As of now, the University has failed to release any statement on the ongoing discrimination and violence against transgender and gender-non conforming people in the United States. This is unacceptable, and goes against the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion here at Bucknell. As such, LGBTQ+ students on campus have compiled a list of demands for the university to show their support for their transgender students. Failure to meet these simple demands will signify to the campus community that Bucknell University approves of, or even supports, nationwide anti-trans legislation and is not willing to protect their vulnerable student populations.

For your convenience, below are our demands:

  1. An acknowledgement from university in the form of a statement from President Bravman.
    1. Reaffirm that you do not support homophobia and transphobia on Bucknell’s campus and acknowledge the violence that is occuring against trans and gender non-conforming people across the country.
    2. Condemn the November 14 message from Catholic Campus Ministry as homophobic.
  2. Expand Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training for faculty, staff, and student workers to include comprehensive training on trans issues and identity.
  3. Create a position within the office of LGBTQ resources for trans advocacy and logistical concerns within the university, as well as to offer specific resources and support to students. 

Either you support the queer community, or you do nothing. 


GSA and Fran’s House Leadership 

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