Concert reading “The Storms We Brave” debuts in ELC Forum

Maximus Bean, News Co-Editor

A concert reading of the Bucknell-original musical “The Storms We Brave” played out in the ELC Forum on April 23.

The event lasted from 7:30–10 p.m. While the original musical was created by Rosemarie Burynski ’23, the night’s show was directed by Ainsley Manlowe ’24, and the music was directed by Ryan Hill ’24. 

In contrast to usual sets and productions, concert readings are a simpler form of theater, where actors read from scripts as the show is occurring, and there are typically no sets or costumes present. At this concert reading however, there was much more at play.

“‘The Storms We Brave’… had never been seen by a live audience,” Burynski, who created the experience, said. “The main goal was to portray the story as accurately as possible. Therefore, the directors and I decided from day one to do a reading, where actors would have their scripts at all times. We were working in the ELC Forum, which… allowed for a small, intimate space where the words and music could really be heard.”

She added, “we had costumes/costume changes, blocking, setting backdrops, sound effects, basic movement and props. In the end, it may not have been a fully staged production, but it also wasn’t just a concert reading. It kind of became a very unique and special type of performance that worked perfectly for our cast and the type of story we wanted to tell.”

The basic plot is about best friends and singer-songwriter duo Amber and Jack, who receive their ‘big break’ and discover the seedy aspects of big-time stardom, as well as how they and other characters will contribute to the uncovering of a large political scandal. All the while, they are being used by their country’s president for the latter’s own machinations.

“Overall, the performance went better than I ever could have imagined,” Burynski said. “I am forever grateful to the incredible cast and directors for treating the show so well and for allowing this story to come to life in such a special way.”

Burynski continued, “the show night ran so smoothly, and I couldn’t have asked for a better debut of my script. The audience seemed to enjoy it, as well! I’m looking forward to seeing the show recording and really hope that there is space for The Storms We Brave in the future of theatre.”

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