Seniors you may know

Ben Kaufman, Senior Editor


Name: Anna Gioni ’14

Hometown: Mahwah, N.J.
Major: English and Education (College Student Personnel)
Best part about being a senior: “The fact that I’m still best friends (and housemates) with my friends from my freshman hall.”
Most memorable University moment: “Going on the Bucknell Brigade to Nicaragua over winter break.”
One thing to check off the bucket list before you graduate: “Breakfast at Ard’s–I’ve never been!”
Plans for spring break: “Palm Beach, Fla. with my friends.”


Name: Tina Mammano ’14
Hometown: Old Tappan, N.J.
Major: Cell Biology/Biochemistry, Classics Minor
Best part about being a senior: “You can do whatever you want because you honestly don’t care anymore.”
Most memorable University moment: “Good Wil’s for the first time and then deciding to go on an 18-mile bike ride (bad decision).”
One thing to check off the bucket list before you graduate: “Take a picture on top of the Bison statue by the gym.”
Plans for spring break: “Nashville Road Trip!”


Name: Stew Kabis ’14

Hometown: Severna Park, Md.
Major: Geology and Environmental Science
Best part about being a senior: “Going to the bar with my friends.”
Most memorable University moment: “Last week when I found out Bucknell has a student newspaper.”
One thing to check off the bucket list before you graduate: “Float down the river.”
Plans for spring break: “Headed to New Mexico with the geology department spring break trip.”

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