HOUSE PARTY, Affinity Housing Style

Rachel Chou, Assistant Campus Life Editor

The Affinity Housing Program’s annual Block Party offered food, fun, and games on Sept. 21. The affinity houses came together in Larison Dining Hall to give students the chance to stop by and learn more about the diverse housing options.

Each house featured an activity that best reflected their theme.

“The event was a great opportunity to see the themes and names of people behind the small houses. Each house brought in exciting and fun activities for the community to take part in,” Danarenae Donato ’16 said.

Students could make rainbow friendship bracelets with Summit House, the LGBTQ affinity house. Hulley House, which belongs to C.A.L.V.I.N. & H.O.B.B.E.S., brought in NERF gun archery with stuffed animal prizes. Galloway House, home to Cap & Dagger 2.0, the theatre club on campus, continued their tradition of bringing in homemade lemonade. Carey House, the social justice house, brought in live fish for “Fish Pong” for students to throw ping pong balls into fish bowls and bring a new friend home. Edwards House, the Outdoor Education house, hosted a tie-dyeing activity with dirt cups.

“It was a good opportunity for first-years to see where they could possibly live next year,” April Htut ’15 said.

Students enjoyed hot dogs and hamburgers, churros, cookie decorating, and ice cream sandwiches as well. The chocolate fondue fountain also proved to be very popular at the event.

“It was a cute event, and it was really good fondue,” Kaitlin Scagluso ’16 said.

It is possible that the affinity houses will host another Block Party in the spring, so those who missed the event can attend next time.

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