Sam Grinberg ’15

Madeline Diamond and Doug Hendry, News Editor and Sports Editor

Grinberg is a senior goalie for the men’s lacrosse team. The four-year athlete is majoring in economics and philosophy, and is a member of the Patriot League Academic Honor Roll.

“I think a school like Bucknell is awesome for a student-athlete because it allows one to take both academics and athletics seriously without having to compromise much on either side,” Grinberg said. “I have been able to pursue whatever I have wanted to academically and, at least for me, it has never really interfered with lacrosse.”

As any student-athlete knows, time management is a vital skill, and without it, a college schedule can be almost insurmountable. From early morning workouts, to late-night studying and bus rides, University student-athletes are able to multitask.

“I honestly haven’t had too much trouble balancing my academic workload with lacrosse. The structure of sports definitely helps. I know what my academic and athletic schedules are going to look like at the start of the semester, and I can plan my work around that,” Grinberg said.

As a senior, Grinberg has run the gauntlet and seen his fair share of ups and downs. It may be difficult for incoming first-years to balance the life of athletics and academics in a way different from high school, but Grinberg offers advice that may help.

“The advice that I would give to future student-athletes is to find a major that you are passionate about. It makes the work much more enjoyable. Also, it is important to learn to compartmentalize. You can’t let things that happen on the field affect the classroom and vice versa,” Grinberg said.

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