Every Body Fair highlights ways to get help

Becky Tanner, Contributing Writer

The Every Body Fair took place Feb. 24 in the ELC Mall from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to raise awareness about eating disorders. Feb. 22-28 is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, and Bucknell Athletics & Recreation, Student Health, Bucknell Nutrition Initiative Program (BNIP), the Counseling & Student Development Center, and the Women’s Resource Center collaborated to put on a series of events devoted to this cause.

During the fair, students were encouraged to talk to professional staff and trained students about the dangers and prevalence of eating disorders.

“[The] fair was intended for those who wouldn’t necessarily come to an event but may need some help,” Director of the Women’s Resource Center Tracy Russell said. The fair offered an alternative to the scheduled discussions and speakers for people who were unsure about the events.

According to the staff present at the fair, many young people, especially women, do not necessarily have an eating disorder, but rather have disordered eating. Sentences like, “I am so full I cannot eat for a week,” or “I look so fat today, don’t let me eat before going out tonight” can be considered a form of personal restraint and can have lasting detriments on the mind and body. As college students, it is very easy to fall victim to comparing ourselves to other students and people in the media.

The organizations committed to the National Eating Disorders Awareness Week offered a variety of seminars and discussions to not only help people with eating disorders, but also for people who suspect their friends or family may be developing eating disorders. Russell said that the “How to Help a Friend” event was something that everyone should go to. Eating disorders and disordered eating is especially common on college campuses, and it’s not unlikely that you know of someone who could use some help.

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