Dean Badal takes over as Dean Lantz recovers from health problems

Madeline Diamond, News Editor

Dean of Student Affairs Susan Lantz is currently on medical leave as part of her recovery from heart-related health problems, according to an email to students from President John Bravman on March 14.


“Dean Lantz is making significant progress in her recovery. President Bravman had an opportunity to visit with her on Monday, and she’s in good spirits,” Andy Hirsch, Assistant Vice President for Communications, said.


It is not currently known how long Lantz will be on leave, although it is expected that she will be out for the rest of the semester, according to Hirsch. In the meantime, Amy Badal, Associate Dean of Students—Community and Leadership, will serve as Acting Dean of Student Affairs temporarily. Bravman noted that he and Provost Mick Smyer are grateful about how Badal and the rest of the Division of Student Affairs have responded to this sudden “challenging period.”


Badal, who has been at the University since 2001, will maintain her responsibilities overseeing fraternity and sorority affairs, residential education, and first-year experiences, in addition to her new duties as Acting Dean. Badal was appointed to this position by Smyer. Hirsch noted that Badal has the support of her colleagues in the Division of Student Affairs, as well as the rest of the University community.

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