AXO’s Alpha Male Breaks Records!

On March 17th from seven to nine pm, Alpha Chi Omega broke records with its spring

philanthropy event, Alpha Male.

Alpha Male is a male beauty pageant between the fraternities on campus. One elected

brother representative faces competition in categories of Formal Wear, Swimwear, Talent,

and an on-spot Interview. This year, the contestants were as follows:

Mr. TKE: Rodney Jerrell West

Mr. Kappa Sig: Ari Faust

Mr. Fiji: Ben Schumacher

Mr. KDR: Joe Tull

Mr. SPE: Mack Jones

Mr. Lambda: Adam Simon

Mr. Phi Psi: Zach Winters

Mr. Sig Chi: Zach Boyd

Mr. Chi Phi: Ben Gordon

Mr. DU: Nicholas Parker

A team composed of a representative from each of the campus sororities judged the event.

The high-spirited audience was buzzing with encouragement, which contributed greatly to

the competitors’ energetic performances.

And the results are in… In first place, with 219 points came FIJI’s Ben Schumacher.

Schumacher is a sophomore Managing for Sustainability major and a proud member of the

Bucknell Football Team. Following in second place with a close 214 points was Kappa Sig’s

Ari Faust. And in third place with 205 points was Sig Chi’s Zach Boyd.

As the first Greek organization to ever hold an event in the Weis Center, AXO’s relocation

from the limited Trout Auditorium made Alpha Male, and Bucknell, history. With 592

tickets sold, AXO raised a history-high $4,144! In junction with additional donations, Alpha

Chi Omega granted $4,300 to a local women’s shelter, Women In Transition, which

provides aid to victims of domestic violence. The women of Alpha Chi Omega thank all who

supported this event and the sorority’s promotion of Domestic Violence Awareness. All Hail

the Alpha Male!

Above photo from left to right: Ally Mascali (Community Service Chair), Cristina Bartalacci (Assistant VP Philanthropy), Ben Schumacher (2015 Alpha Male), Kristen Verille (Chapter President), and Emma Shimmony (VP Philanthropy)

Photo Credit: Abbie Chepolis

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