Time Is of the Essence


Tyler Candelora, Contributing Writer

This semester is going by in the blink of an eye; it’s hard to even keep track of the date! Consequently, I was trying to think of a way to improve my time management skills. While some people can easily manage their time and complete every task on their agendas, others have difficulty doing so.

I think one of the best ways to stay organized and cultivate good time management skills is to have a “DayMinder” or a planner.  With it, you can record everything you need to do on a certain day, and even plan ahead. Once you complete a task, you can cross it off feeling satisfied that you got something done.

Conceptually this is a good idea, but some theories never work out. You may find yourself forgetting to write in your planner, like that diary you neglected to keep as a kid. You may even forget to do tasks or easily overlook something. You may even lose your planner, but at least you tried to manage your time.

I encourage everyone to use a planner. Give it a try. You may lose it or it may save you some time. Whichever way you choose to regulate your time, good luck.

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