Anonymous street art surrounds campus

Shira Tarlo, Staff Writer

Mysterious chalk art has surfaced throughout the University’s campus. Carefully crafted, colorful, and inspiring messages cover the University’s academic quadrangle among other popular walking paths.

From messages like “There’s no Place Like Home” to “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” and “Take a Sad Song and Make It Better,” the anonymous chalk art covers serious ground, as it contains lyrics from songs, messages from great leaders, and other positive phrases.

Sara Chuirazzi ’16 said that “Love is the Message” is one of her favorites.

“It encompasses so many important things in a few simple words. I also think it’s a sentiment that we really need to take to heart, in this world and on campus,” Chuirazzi said.

It is so easy to feel stressed and anxious just by juggling four classes and extracurriculars. By randomly placing these messages throughout campus, the anonymous artist motivates University students to feel more positive, and to not let the tough and negative aspects in our daily lives outweigh the good parts.

Certainly, stumbling across an encouraging message can completely change your attitude for the rest of the day. These messages are wonderful “disruptions” from our hectic daily lives, as they highlight that life is about more than going through the routine motions of each day.

This project is a great way to subtly shake things up on campus, but it does so in a powerful and moving way. Whether or not this will be a continual incident, only time will tell.

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