Price is Right for CFO

Caroline Fassett, Assistant News Editor

Katie Price ’16 was recently made the new Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Bucknell Student Government (BSG). This makes Price BSG’s third CFO in two years, however she is the first to win the job since it was removed from the Executive Board and made a contractual, paid position.

Alex Rosen ’16 acknowledged that the difficulty of managing the CFO position resulted in the two previous resignations, and believes that altering the job has made it easier to maintain.

“The constitutional change that occurred earlier this semester was intended to mitigate the responsibilities associated with the position. The new CFO position solely handles the financial aspects of BSG, which will ensure quicker communication with clubs and much more efficiency,” Rosen said.

Price said that she had always wanted to be a part of BSG, but never had enough time to commit to a role due to her participation in varsity athletics (volleyball). With her senior season at a close, Price said that she now felt secure in applying for a position she says makes “meaningful change happen in the Bucknell community.”

In opening the CFO application to the entire school, the BSG Executive Board and Accounts Managers were tasked with finding the applicant who would best manage a portfolio of over half a million dollars.

“[The CFO should] be constantly cognizant of our overall budget to ensure that we maintain fiscal responsibility,” Rosen said. 

Price is an Economics and Political Science double major and has increased her knowledge of budgets and accounts management by taking several Accounting and Finance courses. Additionally, she has served as an Accounting and Finance intern for Johnson & Johnson, an investment holding company, and gained experience as a leader in acting as a three-time captain of her volleyball team and as Vice President Judicial for the Panhellenic Council.

“I applied to the position, hopeful that I would win, but certainly not confident. I realize how talented the pool of applicants must have been, considering how driven and bright the student body is at Bucknell. During my interviews I felt as if my ambitions and goals for the role connected really well with the executive board’s hopes for the CFO,” Price said.

Price has been adapting to her new role by increasing her familiarity with the Finance Guidelines and shadowing the Accounts Manager. Though her position doesn’t officially take full form until next semester, Rosen said that she “has been leading the Finance Committee with ease thus far.”

Recognizing the recent altering of the CFO position as different from the previous Vice President of Finance position, Price feels assured in her ability to succeed in her new role.

“This amendment leads me to believe that I will be more strictly focused on the true duties of a CFO rather than responsibilities of VP Admin or VP Operations. Having 20+ hour weeks of volleyball in my previous semesters, I feel like I am prepared in time management and working under pressure to appropriately handle the role,” Price said.

“[Price’s] dignified confidence reflects her incredible skill set and experience in the financial field,” Rosen said. “She commands respect and is passionate about the responsibilities associated with the CFO position. Katie has remarkable leadership skills, and we are confident that she will run the Finance Committee effectively and efficiently,” Rosen said.

Price said that she is excited to be on BSG and plans on leaving a lasting impression on campus before leaving it.

“The students who make up BSG are so dedicated and passionate towards their visions for the school … I hope to utilize my role as a mechanism for meaningful cultural change at Bucknell, as well as facilitate the goals of clubs on campus,” Price said.

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