Students no longer allowed to enter class wearing workout clothes without proof that they actually went to the gym

Maggie Carlson, Contributing Writer

In a new effort to increase campus fitness and healthy cardiovascular activity, the University has required that any student who attends class in workout clothes must provide evidence of their workout history for the day prior to entry. 

Evidence will be accepted in physical copy with signature from the Kenneth Langone Athletics and Recreation Center (KLARC) front desk, in Fitbit activity, or in the form of various fitness apps available to students. In order to increase overall cardiovascular strength, reduce the University’s carbon footprint, and make a more conscious effort in “going green” the KLARC center will also be mandating a 24/7 elliptical policy which requires students to maintain a complete presence on all elliptical machines at all times. Environmental studies professors reported they are happy to see students channeling their fitness activity into such usable and sustainable practices.

“I really support this new policy. I love to attend the gym at strange hours, so I am happy to help the campus reduce its footprint!” Amanda Besselman ’18 said.

The Office of Admissions also supports the effort. By working to increase the overall attractiveness of the student body, the department hopes that the University’s selectivity rating will increase.

Following in line with Fergie, we should expect the students to be “up in the gym just working on [their] fitness,” a staff member told The Bucknellian. 


Editor’s Note: Most of the time we take our work seriously. Today is not one of those days. Happy 1st of April.

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