Bucknell Dance Company’s Spring Dance Concert preview

Bucknell Dance Preview

Courtney Wren

Arts & Culture Editor

As a culmination of a semester of long hours in the studio and choreographing, Bucknell Dance Company (BDC) will perform its Spring Dance Concert at 7:30 p.m. on April 29-30 in the Weis Center for the Performing Arts. The concert is presented by the department of theatre & dance and will feature “dynamic and innovative choreography” by faculty members, students, and guest artists.

Preparation for the Spring Dance Concert began in January when the current members of BDC auditioned for the performance. Those who auditioned were required to commit to attending weekly Sunday master classes in order to prepare for the show.

Associate Professor of Dance Kelly Knox and Professor of Dance Er-dong Hu provided choreography. Students Izzy Bristol ’16, Ivan Flores Sandoval ‘16, Stacey Carpency ’16, and Christen Moribondo ’16 choreographed pieces, along with guest artists Michael Bearden and John Dixon.

The show is comprised of pieces ranging from classical ballet to postmodern dance.

“The concert this semester is really diverse which makes it so unique. The pieces range from spunky jazz student choreography to classical ballet, faculty choreography, and everything in between,” Stephanie Beck ’18 said.

Unlike in previous years, this show does not have a central theme that ties each dance together. It instead focuses on different styles and has an emphasis on student choreography.

“Choreographing for the Bucknell Dance Company this semester has been nothing short of an incredible experience. The dancers are all very dedicated to the program and the show,” Bristol said.

The Spring Dance Concert will also feature a senior piece as the traditional last dance of the show.

“I’ve been looking forward to this [senior] performance since I was a freshman. The Bucknell Dance Company has a tradition where the senior class of dancers all perform together in the last number to celebrate our time together. I remember watching the senior piece when I was a freshman and yearning to be part of such a tight-knit group of supportive dancers to share the stage with,” Lane deCordova ’16 said.

Helping to choreograph the senior piece was a worthwhile and memorable experience for Knox.

“It was such a rewarding creative process with my dance colleagues contributing and these seniors making movement and guiding the development of the piece,” Knox said. “I think their joy will resonate with anyone who has had to move on.”

Tickets are $5 for students, youth, and senior citizens, and $10 for general admission. Students may by tickets in-person at the Weis Center box office or online at bucknell.edu/boxoffice.

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