Countering the sexism of stand-up: ’Nell Party hosts first all-female comedy show

Madison Weaver, Assistant News Editor

In the male-dominated world of comedy, the ’Nell Party decided to host its first all-female comedy show on campus featuring four talented female comedians. Annina Ruggirello ’18, Bridget Shaffrey ’17, Katherine Sokirka ’17, and Bella Trujillo-Lederer ’17 all performed sets during the hour-long show and kept the audience laughing.

The comedy show, which took place on Feb. 10, drew many students and filled Trout Auditorium in the Vaughan Literature Building. The show was emceed by ’Nell Party member Ben Gerber ’18.

The ’Nell Party decided to host an all-female comedy show to “undermine the idea that women aren’t funny,” Shaffrey said. Most comedy shows on campus tend to have a majority of male performers, and the group wanted to challenge this norm.

“[It was] really cool to see an all-female stand up [show]—Bucknell has never done this before so it was refreshing to see four hilariously funny women kill it on stage,” Elizabeth Gray ’19 said.

Each performer brought their own energy and style to the stage, covering topics ranging from sex and feminism to campus culture.

“I am so proud of all of the other female performers not only because they’re hysterical, but because they worked to set a positive example for women on campus. Being a senior, I hope the ’Nell Party continues to make this an annual event and that I can come back and be a part of the audience,” Shaffrey said.

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