Type A students disturbed that Rooke Chapel bells are two minutes off

Madeline Diamond, Senior Editor

After the recent renovation of the Rooke Chapel belfry, Type A students across campus have expressed their frustration that the bells, which are supposed to ring every 15 minutes starting at the top of the hour, are now approximately two minutes fast.

“I’ll be walking to my 9 a.m class and lo and behold, the bell will always ring at 8:58 a.m. As if I wasn’t already losing my mind this semester,” Olivia Weis ’18 said.

Weis and a small group of other self-identified uptight students have voiced their concerns to the administration, although they were surprised to have been met with little sympathy.

“They literally told us to chill out,” Weis said. “They said we must have more important things to worry about and we should try channeling our energy to a more worthwhile cause.”

According to Weis, campus administrators suggested the impeccably organized and detail-oriented group connect with another student organization on campus to use their unique talents for a good cause. In response, Weis said that she’d already taken Management 101 and just really wanted the Rooke Chapel bells to be fixed.

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