House Party Weekend: Four years later

Charles Beers, News Editor

It’s an annual tradition that refuses to die: the decades-old and storied “House Party Weekend” took place from March 25-26, albeit a scaled-back version of what it once was.

During the spring semester of every academic year, one weekend is designated as House Party Weekend, a time devoted to Greek life members and chaotic parties across the University campus and surrounding downtown area. The event was sanctioned and partially financially supported by the University until 2013, when University President John Bravman and several administrators made the decision to discontinue it.

The goal of discontinuing University support for the event was an effort to cut back on the health risks and excessive drinking that regularly occurred over the weekend. Since 2013, House Party Weekend has been kept alive unofficially by the student body, especially fraternities and sororities.

Chief of Public Safety Steve Barilar was pleased at this year’s festivities and the relatively few number of incidents that occurred.

“House Party Weekend went relatively well this year,” Barilar said. “We’d still like to avoid the excessive drinking. Our goal is always for no one to be sent to the hospital.”

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