Disc golf course installed on campus


Elizabeth Worthington, News Co-Editor

In a collaboration between Campus Activities and Programs, Outdoor Education & Leadership, Athletics and Recreation, and facilities, a 12-hole disc golf course was recently installed at the University.

The installation process began at the end of the spring 2017 semester, and was completed on Oct. 4.

The idea for the course came from Carl Troup, who works in facilities as locksmith and is also an avid fan of the unique sport. Troup started playing about two years ago with his friend Floyd Houdeshell, who is a semi-professional disc golf player. The two lamented the lack of a local course, the closest one being about 30 minutes away.

The local Selinsgrove Area High School has an 18-hole disc golf course and their campus has similar green spaces to that of the University. Troup and Houdeshell designed their course through a trial-and-error session, walking around campus with discs and tossing them at different objects.

The Ultimate Frisbee Club and the Outing Club heard about the plan and decided to co-sponsor the course. Mike Duignan, Director of Campus Activities and Student Organizations, called the partnership “a natural fit.” The CAP Center worked with Bucknell Student Government (BSG) to secure the necessary funding. The course map, equipment, and materials had to be approved by the University’s Space Committee, which is tasked with addressing the suitability of spaces for certain uses and modifying or converting it as needed.

The materials and equipment were ordered over the summer, and facilities was responsible for the actual installation of the 10 baskets around campus, which were painted orange both for visibility and University pride, Duignan said. These baskets are removable, allowing for safety and flexibility when large events are held around campus.

The holes for the course are located on Sojka Lawn, the Grove, and the space in between the Elaine Langone Center and Rooke Chapel.

Troup and Duignan hope that over time the course will grow to become a complete 18-hole course, and that the University will look into adding markers and official tee pads, as the current plan is to use existing sidewalks.

“I would like to see a club team formed and eventually hold some tournaments here,” Troup said.

Brian Picarillo ’18, Vice President of the Outing Club, has had the chance to try out the course and he “enjoyed it immensely.”

“Overall, this is a great example of cross-campus collaboration between departments and clubs to provide our student body yet another opportunity and service,” Duignan said.

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