New at the Women’s Resource Center: Women of Color Wednesday

Amy Collins, Staff Writer

The University’s Women’s Resource Center (WRC) hosted its first Women of color Wednesday on Jan. 31. This event came to fruition thanks to the Director of the WRC, Kelsey Hicks, learning of a desire by female students, staff, and faculty of color to build community with each other. This first Women of Color Wednesday was a hit, with thirty-one female students, staff, and faculty of color in attendance. Along with open dialogue about each others’ experiences and aspirations, they utilized the activity space and played introductory games.

Hicks noted that there is a desire among the University’s women of color to talk about life, goals, and the things that matter to them. Through this event, this became a reality. The exchanges that took place served as mentorship, where staff, faculty, and students were learning more about each other in addition to how to effectively engage with one another. This event provided faculty and staff with insight into what students want and need, Hicks reflected. Additionally, students were also learning about themselves and each other.

Going forward, Women of Color Wednesday members of the WRC plan to do day events on the last Wednesday of every month to accommodate everyone’s schedules. The next Women of Color Wednesday will be Feb. 28.

While all are welcome, this event is intended to allow WOC to participate in a safe space and to build community in a way that was not previously available on campus.

“I heard a few people say that they were so thankful that this happened… that they were so happy. We had a good time laughing and letting our titles go… ‘professor’ didn’t exist, ‘first years’ and ‘seniors’ didn’t exist. That was an amazing feeling. Especially with what’s going on in the world around us with women of color,” Hicks said.

Other events hosted by the center include a book club, “Between the Covers,” that focuses on books addressing intersectional feminism, as well as “First Fridays: Messages from Society for Women,” which tackles oppressive themes that affect women. Additionally, the WRC will be hosting a 30th anniversary event on March 1.

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