Lettuce turnip the beet for the farmers’ market

Julie Spierer, Special Features Editor

When and where

Shopping for locally grown fresh foods and products can be hard to achieve in a society where many food products are processed, shipped, and placed on store shelves. Science Daily reveals that a nation-wide analysis of U.S. Grocery purchases claims that highly-processed foods makes up about 60 percent of the calories we purchase. These items tend to have more fat, sugar, and salt than fresher, less-processed foods. Luckily, Lewisburg is fortunate to have a farmers’ market that visits Union County every Wednesday.

A farmers’ market is a retail marketplace where farmers sell their goods directly to consumers. There are tables and stands galore, filled with fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, jams, pickles, beverages, and more.

The Lewisburg Farmers’ Market is a long-standing and popular farmers’ market located at 600 Fairground Road. By purchasing healthy food at the market, shoppers are also supporting local growers and farmers.


Students and the market

The main goal of the BSG Community Committee is to bridge the gap between the University and Lewisburg communities. One of their newest initiatives is a shuttle to the farmers’ market.

Arianne Evans ’21, a member of the Community Committee, spearheaded this initiative, contacting Transportation Services with the Events Management Office. Evans quickly gathered information and pricing for BSG.

“Organizing a shuttle to the Lewisburg Farmers’ Market is something that I’ve wanted to do since my first year, and joining the BSG Community Committee was the perfect way to make it happen. As a Managing for Sustainability major and someone who is passionate about social and environmental issues, I quickly realized that the Lewisburg Farmers’ Market was a prime opportunity to bring together the University and local communities in a meaningful way that benefits all parties involved. Visiting the farmers’ market is something I look forward to every week and I wanted to help make this experience accessible to all students. I hope this initiative will become a weekly tradition on campus that will allow students, faculty, and staff to take a break from their everyday routine and support the people and place we are fortunate to call home,” Evans said.

“We felt that providing a shuttle to the farmers’ market would allow students to connect with and support farmers, merchants and other residents of Lewisburg and surrounding towns. Many students haven’t had the opportunity to go to the farmers’ market because they have hindered by a lack of transportation, so we are excited about the prospect of increasing the number of students going to the farmers’ market,” Head of the Community Committee Emily Shapiro ’19 said.

The shuttle will run every Wednesday from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., and will pick up at the Smith Hall parking lot every 30 minutes. The shuttle will be picking people up and/or dropping people off at Smith Hall at 9:00, 9:30, 10:00, etc. and picking people up and/or dropping people off from the Lewisburg Farmers’ Market at 9:15, 9:45, 10:15, etc. It is free for students and will run every Wednesday of the semester, other than the Wednesday of Thanksgiving break. Depending upon its popularity, the Committee will see if it is something that they should continue next semester as well.

“It’s a really great way to connect the students at Bucknell to the local Lewisburg community. Not only are we being sustainable by reducing our carbon footprint through carpooling, we’re supporting local businesses and ensuring a healthy and positive relationship with the local Lewisburg community. Plus it’s a great way for those who don’t have a car on campus to have access to some of the amazing things Lewisburg offers!” Kaitlyn Ferentini ’21, Senator for the Class of 2021 and member of the Community Committee, said.

Senior Class President Laura Bart ’19 took the shuttle to the farmers’ market this Wednesday. “It was really quick, super easy, and a great way to get some local vegetables and fruit for a super reasonable price. And, it feels good to support the community,” Bart said. She encourages everyone to make time to take the shuttle at least once. Given that the parking is limited at the farmers market, it makes most sense to take the shuttle.

Bart adds that in terms of timing for people that have class, she caught the shuttle at 9 a.m. and was back home by 9:45 a.m., just in time for class.

“I’m really excited about this shuttle because it gives all students the opportunity to support the community and local produce! It advertises the farmersmarket while making it easily accessible to everyone on campus,” Rhea Khera ’19, Community Committee Member and Class of 2019 Representative, said.

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