Student employment on campus and beyond

Anna DeNelsky, Contributing Writer

Are your late-night Domino’s deliveries and Flyson visits adding up? Do you find yourself walking to the Bison to buy that $10 smoothie you allow yourself to get once a month, just to find that there are only $50 left in your account?

You need more money, and fast. Securing jobs on campus is a far less daunting task than it sounds. There are a multitude of resources that students can utilize to make the process smooth and stress-free.

The Bridge

One simple way to find jobs, internships and a variety of other opportunities on and off campus is to check out “The Bridge” online. The website is easy to navigate and filters job openings, giving you recommendations to suit your major(s) and interests. Additionally, the website informs you of upcoming employer events, career fairs, and Career and Development Center (CDC) programs.

Caroline Guthrie ’20, who works as an intern in the CDC expresses her enthusiasm regarding The Bridge as a resource for securing jobs on campus. “I do feel like not as many people utilize [The Bridge] as they should, because it is a tool that everyone can use starting from their first year to their senior year,” Guthrie said.

The Bridge also provides guidance for individuals who do not necessarily know how their interests relate to the world of work. Through the “Career Finder,” the website helps to suggest what types of careers you might want to explore. The website is also a great organization tool to keep track of all your job applications and upcoming interviews.

If setting up a profile online seems overwhelming, students are more than welcome to stop by the CDC, located in the Botany Building on 7th Street, during walk-in hours Monday through Friday, 3 p.m. to 4 p.m., or by appointment. Guthrie explained her roles at the CDC. “We have two separate responsibilities. We have resource room hours where we answer students’ questions about their resumes, cover letters and schedule appointments. Then I also have my speciality hours where I work directly with one of the staff members and I will do research for them and complete any tasks that they want done,” Guthrie said.

Visiting the CDC is a great way to dip your toes into the job search process. Even if you don’t want to apply for a job immediately, it is useful and important to familiarize yourself with the process for the future. Speaking with interns and staff members can be really helpful if you are not sure where to begin and you want to actively discuss your concerns, long-term goals and desires regarding the job search.

Other routes

Finding a job at the University can also be less structured than filling out a profile online or visiting the CDC. Professors are great resources, too. “All of my experiences getting jobs were kind of unorthodox in the sense that I was offered each of them. I think one of the things that people overlook in college is office hours. Getting your professors to know you makes a huge difference because it gives you someone who will advocate for you. Professors have friends who need research assistants or know of positions on campus that you might be good for and can recommend you for them,” Paige Stewart ’21 said.

In addition, Guthrie recommends going to talk to the people who currently work at the job to which you might be applying. Talking to employees gives you a better understanding regarding the job’s application process and allows for a greater perception of what the job requires and demands. Showing interest in person also increases the possibility of getting hired.


The balancing act

The best time to apply for a job on campus, according to Guthrie, is at the beginning or end of the semester. To secure a job for next semester, it is best to start your search and applications right now, toward the end of the current semester, for a higher chance of getting a job. Furthermore, she believes that the most important aspect of a resume is work experience. “There are skills that you could have learned from an experience that can translate into any job, even if it isn’t directly related to what you want to go into,” Guthrie said.

Balancing school work and a job is no easy feat, but there are strategies that students use to make the process easier. Stewart, who works at the Writing Center, as a Residential Adviser, and as a research assistant, describes that balancing three jobs can become really hectic. “I know that I have my work hours every week, and it becomes a huge time management thing. I have two calendars in my room, and I have one on my phone, and I have reminders set for everything,” Stewart said.

Different jobs also demand various levels of commitment and time. “As an RA, day-to-day there is not a ton of work, but it is hard in that a lot of the things that I have to deal with are completely out of the blue. And so I can have a full plan for doing all my homework and being at my jobs, but if a resident comes to me at 10:00 p.m. when I was going to go to bed at 10:30 p.m., it’s not an option, I have to help them,” Stewart said. She suggested that “school work and your own mental health have to be priorities. Also, if you enjoy what you are doing, it makes it easier.”

Nevertheless, a full schedule can actually help some students, like Guthrie, with procrastination and organization. “I do think [my job] helps me with my school work because I am so busy, so it is easier to find time when I am scheduling everything around my job,” she said.

If you find that you are always apprehensive and stressed about your money disappearing rapidly, checking out The Bridge, the CDC and even talking to your professors is a great start. Being a college student can be financially difficult, but these resources are here to help and guide you through the process!

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