Wellness: Cure or Curse?


Olivia Braito, Graphics Manager

Graphics by Olivia Braito

Lindsey Schwalm, Contributing Writer

Focusing on wellness can be the key to helping you unlock a better version of yourself, but can also be used as a way for others to harm and manipulate your health for profit and pleasure. With the start of the new year, everyone’s minds are geared towards creating a healthier lifestyle and achieving wellness. This is fantastic considering the ever-increasing rates of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity within our country. Bear in mind, though, that there are many pitfalls and dangers that you should avoid on your journey to wellness.


Obviously, we are all aware that pyramid scheme products should be avoided, but with enough people from high school in your direct messages with the latest diet or cure-all pill, it can become tempting. Historically, we know that many of these products do not work or only work long enough to make you consider buying more. Here is a reminder that, once again, these miracle products are not worth your time. They can be extremely frustrating for the user, are oftentimes a scam, and can dampen your motivation towards a healthier you.


Along with the magic pill comes the magic diet. There are always concerns to be had when you are cutting out or adding new things to your diet in an effort to improve your health. One of the latest diet trends, commonly referred to as the keto diet, can be very harmful if you do not know what you are doing. Recently, a few people have been hospitalized with ketoacidosis, and there have been several studies showing that those on keto and other low-carb diets have the highest risk of dying from cancer, cardiovascular conditions, and other illnesses. It is critical that those interested in dieting do not jump on the bandwagon of the quick-fix diets without looking at the other effects on health.


On your pursuit to a healthier you, you should also note the danger that comes with comparison and avoid excessively restrictive lifestyles. Eating disorders have been on the rise in the United States and take the life of a person every 62 minutes. There are several reasons why someone might develop these disorders, but scientists recently discovered that it may be caused by perfectionism. Our world today is consistently filled with images of what is considered attractive, especially due to the prevalence of Instagram models. The deriving motivation for your wellness journey can be a slippery slope, in which a consistent comparison of oneself could be very damaging.


If you want better wellness in your life this year, do it safely by only using information that is backed by science, from a professional, and is intrinsically motivated. Seeking better wellness for yourself is one of the best choices you can make, but it is also important to be familiar with common sources to ensure that the results are not costing you your health. Keep yourself on the track to wellness by avoiding these pitfalls in 2019.

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