Why I was not interested in hearing Mac Donald

Megan Mei Pomeroy, Contributing Writer

After reading Heather Mac Donald’s statements in an article published on The College Fix, I am appalled by the University’s willingness to bring her to campus.

In this article, Mac Donald is quoted saying, “I am skeptical of the reality of this psychological or physical trauma” in criticizing the notion that her talk would make women and/or minority students feel unsafe on campus. Further comments in the article show a fellow University student’s statement criticizing those who were in opposition of Mac Donald’s presence on campus and who didn’t attend her event. I am shocked by this open criticism against those who have voiced their concerns and discomfort with Mac Donald’s invitation.

I agree that free speech is a pillar of democracy that should be respected. However, I find that Mac Donald’s statements invalidate the experiences of women and minority students. It is impossible for a white woman to tell me that she understands my experiences and that the psychological impacts of racist rhetoric are something to be skeptical of – she will never be half Chinese, she will never be told to “go back to where her mom came from” as I was told just this past Friday when leaving the A Boogie concert and she will never experience a student telling her that “ch*nk” is my name, not Megan. She, therefore, does not have the right to say my psychological pain is valid or invalid by claiming “free speech.”

This is why I was not interested in going to an event where Mac Donald speaks. She delivers her message by effectively invalidating my personal experiences on this campus, without providing an opportunity to have a productive conversation where I can rebut or debate her statements or ask why she believes them to be true.

I felt that attending her talk would validate her viewpoints, and adding another body would suggest that her views were acceptable on our campus and in our community.

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