Five tips for self-care: Fall 2020 edition

Elyssa Penson, Contributing Writer

With the sudden influx of on-campus COVID -19 cases and the newest restrictions sent out by the University, many students are feeling overwhelmed. Here are five ways you can be sure to have some time with yourself during this stressful time on campus.

  1. Take a bath: bonus points if you are a first-year… nothing instills fear in the hearts of men like some psychopath taking a bath in a dorm shower. Don’t forget your bubbles and bath salts.
  2. Participate in the University’s goat yoga program: it’s a well-known fact that goats are cute carriers of several infectious diseases. Don’t be afraid to get close to those goats and breathe in the sweet aroma of central Pennsylvania farms. 
  3. Find something that makes you feel cozy, like the fire pits on campus. You could roast marshmallows or toast-up a 20-lb turkey, whatever floats your boat. You also could burn your textbooks to stay warm. 
  4. Light a candle, but make sure you switch up the variety. Use a barbeque lighter, a butane torch, the fire pits on campus or maybe even bring a welder’s torch.
  5. Avoid unnecessary Zoom meetings at all costs. You have to play defense on Google calendar and box-out invitations. There’s a difference between having nothing planned and planning to do nothing. In summary, you have to be a world-class “clock-block”… but you know you’ve gone too far when you reply “wrong number” to an email.
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